Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

Sunrise Community Church
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
The Salvation Army
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Trinity Center – St. David’s Episcopal Church
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
United Way for Greater Austin
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
American National Red Cross
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Bridge Steps
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Texas
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Family Place, Inc.
Assistance with responding to the COVID-19 crisis
Wilkinson Center
Assistance with a technology update that includes replacing student and staff workstations, implementing network/wireless broadband at five sites, adopting the Student Success app, and installing new copiers and printers
Winnie-Stowell Volunteer Emergency Medical Services
Assistance with expanding the Community Health Program
Mental Health America of Greater Dallas
Assistance with updating the We Help Ourselves anti-victimization curriculum for use with elementary students
Mi Escuelita Preschool, Inc.
Assistance with the ASPIRE program to provide low-cost, immersive English preschool to Dallas children
Moody Scholars Program
Mosaic Family Services, Inc.
Assistance toward operating a shelter for refugees and immigrants who have been victims of violence or human trafficking
North Texas Women’s Business Development Council/Women’s Business
Assistance with the 2020 programs to support and develop women-owned businesses
Parenting Center
Assistance with child abuse prevention programs for parents, children, caregivers, grandparents and professionals
Partners in Parenting
Assistance with increasing outreach to 300 families in Austin
Readers 2 Leaders
Assistance toward the Team Read program of intensive literacy tutoring offered in school, at after-school centers and summer camp
Recovery Resource Council
Assistance toward the Enduring Families program, providing mental health services to military veterans and their family members
Refuge For DMST
Assistance in funding the gap for the Refuge Circle of Care Program
SAFE Alliance
Assistance toward expanding the Teen Parent Services
San Antonio Food Bank
Assistance in supporting the Mobile Pantry which provides a distribution of perishable and non-perishable food directly to the community
Smart Family Literacy Inc
Assistance with ongoing early childhood educational initiatives, including family engagement, professional development of educators, and direct instruction to children during the school day and after school enrichment
Special Olympics Texas, Inc.
Assistance with funding for sports, training and competition programs
Stand 4 Sisterhood
Assistance in building a network of inter-generational mentorship that fosters guidance and learning across four generations
Assistance in sponsoring the Cities in Space Competition for students in 6th – 12th grades
Texas City, City of/Fire Department
Assistance with the purchase of an automatic lift gate for the high-water rescue vehicle used in high water, severe weather and flooding evacuations
Texas Rowing Foundation Inc
Assistance to grow and retain rowing coaching staff for the summer camps in 2020
Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County
Assistance in serving children in need of tutoring, recreation and child care and in educating women about domestic violence
University of the Incarnate Word
Assistance with the purchase of a mobile vehicle with two exam rooms for the Outreach Medicine Program
Citizens Emergency Medical Service Inc
Assistance in improving pre-hospital care provided to rural residents by purchasing video laryngoscopy equipment for use in intubating trauma patients more efficiently
Dallas Foundation A Texas Nonprofit Corporation/For Oak Cliff
Assistance in providing GED classes and youth enrichment activities concurrently, and in presenting an annual back to school fair to distribute supplies
Dwell With Dignity Foundation Inc
Assistance with the “Hope Begins at Home” program to break the cycle of poverty by creating better living environments for formerly homeless families
Essilor Vision Foundation
Assistance with the Greater Kids Vision for Life mobile clinic to provide eye exams and glasses at underserved schools
Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
Assistance in replacing interior and exterior doors at the domestic violence shelter
Gabe Alvarado Foundation
Assistance with the creation of an animated series on social media to help teens with tools and language to help prevent teen suicide
Galveston Arts Center, Inc.
Assistance, over a two-year period, with continuing education and programming throughout the community as well as at the gallery space
Girls Inc. of Tarrant County
Assistance with offering STEM education through camps, workshops and outreach programs for girls in grades 3-8
Grace United Methodist Church Agape Clinic
Assistance with repairs to stabilize the building, and with installing an inventory management system
Health Services Of North Texas Inc
Assistance in providing primary health care and behavioral health care to low-income, uninsured residents of Collin and Denton counties at six clinics
Helen Farabee Centers
Assistance in training ten staff professionals in Pathways intervention strategies for young children with autism
Helping Hand Home for Children
Assistance in expanding the Families First Program
Homeless Network of Texas
Assistance in expanding the data network to quickly identify people at risk of or experiencing homelessness in order to prioritize services and housing
HRA Village, Inc.
Assistance with the purchase of 2 vans, provide first-year maintenance, and installation of a security camera in the van parking area
Hugs Cafe Inc
Assistance toward job training and placement expenses associated with providing jobs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Jesus Lives Recreation And Learning Center
Assistance in renovating a former nursing home, including removing asbestos flooring and ceiling materials
Ladder Alliance, Inc.
Assistance with creating a new internship program to prepare hard-to-hire women for sustainable employment
Life School Of Dallas
Assistance with expanding the literacy intervention program and with training teachers and school staff to provide additional social-emotional support and interventions
Literacy Coalition Of Central Texas
Assistance with expanding the PALS literacy classes and services to 200 families
Mckinney Roots Inc
Assistance toward capacity building that will result in doubling the amount of food raised and donated to local agencies to combat food insecurity, especially among children
AHA Art House Dallas
Assistance with guided workshops to provide healthy outlets for self-expression, and with hiring a development director for sustainability.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council
Assistance in purchasing two 12-15 passenger vans to support the expanding residential treatment programs
Alvin South Coast Ministries
Assistance with replacing kitchen appliances and the roof, and with repairing or replacing the septic system
Arts Longview
Assistance with the first year of developing a Cultural District in Longview
Austin Film Society
Assistance in sponsoring the Film Awards 20th Anniversary
Ballroom Cultural Arts Foundation
Assistance toward the MXTX project, encompassing creation of chamber music, recording an album and live premier performances
Best Buddies International, Inc.
Assistance, over a two-year period, toward expansion of the Best Buddies Jobs program in Houston and Dallas
Bold Idea Inc
Assistance with the idea Spark after-school computer science curriculum
Assistance in building home libraries of at least twenty children’s books per high-need child in low-income zip codes
Boys and Girls Club of Laredo Inc
Assistance in expanding the BGC Music Studios program of arts education for students ages 6-12
Brighton Center
Assistance with tuition for low-income families who have children with disabilities
Brown County Home Solutions Inc
Assistance with construction of a duplex house for homeless residents in the area transitioning to self-sufficiency
Bynum School
Assistance with the school’s music therapy program, benefitting the school’s population of children with special needs
Café Momentum
Assistance in renovating the restaurant kitchen used as a training center for adjudicated teens
Camp Allen-Camp And Conference Center
Assistance toward capacity-building camp improvements, including a fourth campsite and an all-camp dining hall
CASA of El Paso, Inc.
Assistance in meeting the growing need for advocates through additional training and partnerships
Castle Cares Community Ministires DBA – The Warriors Refuge
Assistance in providing homeless veterans with case management, mental health counseling and transportation
Catholic Church Extension Society
Assistance in the construction of a new parish hall for St. Margaret of Scotland Church in San Angelo, TX
Center for Nonprofit Management
Assistance with establishment of a CNM-pact Academy
Children’s Advocacy Center for Collin County, Inc.
Assistance with the Family Advocacy and Support Services program to stabilize the lives of abused children and non-offending family members
Rockport Warriors United
Assistance in providing three-day weekend retreats for first responders and veterans
Saint Philip’s School & Community Center
Assistance, over five years, with the construction of an arts pavilion, renovate and reposition the library, and create a secure welcome center
Saint Vincent’s House
Assistance with staff positions, facility operations, and case management direct aid
Shared Housing Center Inc
Assistance in providing case management and rental assistance for the Homeshare program
Southeast Texas Literacy Group
Assistance with a reading program aimed at reducing summer learning loss and improving reading skills in at-risk children in grades K-5
Teach For America Inc
Assistance in recruiting and retaining bilingual and STEM-trained teachers to serve in underperforming schools in South Texas
Teen Health Center, Inc.
Assistance with a health aide and with providing medical care at the Moody Early Childhood Center clinic
Theater Action Project/dba Creative Action
Assistance in providing free or low-cost after-school programming at more than 50 elementary and middle schools
Urban Strategies Inc
Assistance, over five years, in hiring an education specialist to advance educational equity for children living in public housing at the Cedars and Villas
Vogel Alcove
Assistance in providing on-site mental health services for homeless children and their parents
West Texas Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Assistance with training 20 intervention specialists to identify signs of autism in children younger than 3 and provide autism-specific treatment
Williamson County Crisis Center/dba Hope Alliance
Assistance in providing emergency shelter to individuals or families escaping domestic violence
YMCA of Abilene
Assistance with furnishing a newly constructed childcare wing with a climbing feature, active play area, teaching kitchen and a computer lab
First Response Ministry, Inc./dba Lilah Smith Safe House
Assistance with re-opening Pecos County’s only shelter for survivors of domestic abuse
FOCUS Families of Communities United in Service, Inc./dba Ambassadors Preparatory Academy
Assistance with funding the cost of the Pearson Reading Language Arts Curriculum, the Wowzers math curriculum, “A Breakthrough Towards Love for Reading” program, Snapology robotics program, and the summer 2020 acceleration and enrichment program
Goodwill Industries of East Texas
Assistance with funding the cost of the Pearson Reading Language Arts Curriculum, the Wowzers math curriculum, “A Breakthrough Towards Love for Reading” program, Snapology robotics program, and the summer 2020 acceleration and enrichment program
Healing Hands Ministries, Inc
Assistance with the prenatal and newborn services for infants from uninsured and underinsured families
Heart of Texas Community Health Center, Inc
Assistance, over three years, with implementing a stepped-care approach to identifying and treating children’s mental health needs
Hope Supply Co.
Assistance with the purchase of diapers, baby wipes, school clothes and other basic needs for homeless and at-risk babies and children served by 70 North Texas nonprofits
In The City For Good
Assistance with renovating the Park South YMCA kitchen, installing commercial kitchen appliances, plumbing and and HVAC, and a fire alarm and suppression system
Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation
Assistance with expansion of the Hope Squad program of peer-to-peer suicide prevention and mental health intervention
Katie’s Pantry
Assistance with expanding distribution to a second day each month to reach more unduplicated clients in northeast El Paso
Leukemiatexas, Inc
Assistance with the Patient Aid Fund to assist patients with financial needs due to their illness
Literacy United
Assistance with an intensive reading intervention for at-risk Tarrant County students
Lone Star Legal Aid
Assistance with providing free legal services to military veterans and their dependents
Martha’s Home
Assistance toward operating residential programs for homeless women and children that emphasizes education, employment and self-sufficiency
New Beginnings – Big Country
Assistance with adding a staff position specializing in transitional services for formerly incarcerated women
New Life Individual and Family Services, Inc./dba Helens Project
Assistance with case management and stabilization programs for individuals with limited financial means
Providence Health Services of Waco/dba Ascension Providence
Assistance with the Pink Partners program of early breast cancer detection for low-income and uninsured women