Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

Ranch Hands Rescue
Assistance in providing trauma-informed and animal-assisted therapy to individuals who have experienced severe trauma
Reading Partners
Assistance toward operating an early-education reading program in Dallas, Fort Worth and Lumin schools
Region 8 Education Service Center
Assistance with the Literacy Collaborative to improve literacy among special education students in rural schools
Respite Care of San Antonio, Inc.
Assistance with the early childhood education center for children with special needs and complex medical conditions
Accessible Housing Austin!
Assistance with replacing appliances for nine affordable housing units
Alpha Home
Assistance in providing clients with treatment programs following residential care
Alzheimers Alliance of Northeast Texas Inc.
Assistance in providing respite care twice weekly to those caring for an individual with Alzheimer’s disease
Ann Richards School Foundation
Assistance in supporting the To and Through College programming supporting student college readiness curriculum
Ark House Foundation
Assistance in offering low-cost housing to patients receiving long-term medical treatments
Austin Partners in Education
Assistance in providing programs for academic intervention and college access mentoring to students who face system barriers to success
Bay Area Meals on Wheels Inc
Assistance in providing nutritious hot meals to elderly and/or disabled residents of northern Galveston and southern Harris counties
Boys and Girls Club of Collin County
Assistance with the Academic Success program at three clubs in Plano, Frisco and McKinney
Boys and Girls Club of Zapata County
Assistance with the 2019-2020 school year and summer programs at locations in Zapata and San Ygnacio
Camp Aranzazu Inc
Assistance with rebuilding cabins destroyed by Hurricane Harvey and with underwriting summer camp for children who cannot afford to attend
Candlelighters of El Paso Inc
Assistance with the Living Everyday program for children and youth in treatment for cancer and for the families that care for them
Cease Addiction Now Inc
Assistance with building capacity to serve more Bay Area individuals who need treatment for mental illness and substance abuse
Children’s Museum of Brownsville
Assistance with the Mini Makers Studio to engage first and fifth grade students in hands-on experimentation and documentation
Christi Center Inc
Assistance in increasing access to grief support services for children living in low socio-economic areas and face barriers to accessing support
Clothed by Faith Inc
Assistance in meeting the increasing need for children’s and adults’ clothing at a satellite location in Deer Park
Collin County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center/dba LifePath Systems
Assistance with staff training to identify autism as early as possible and begin interventions when they can be most effective
Communities in Schools of Central Texas, Inc
Assistance, over two years, with expanding the school-based program to additional Central Texas ISDs and with support of the XY-Zone for at-risk young men on 12 high school campuses
Corpus Christi Hope House, Inc
Assistance in providing shelter, medical care and counseling to homeless women and their children
Denton County MHMR Center
Assistance with the Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) program
Emily’s Place, Inc
Assistance with providing overnight nurses at both residential facilities for women and children who have fled domestic violence
University of Texas at Ausitn/Dept. of Intercollegiate Athletics
Assistance, over twenty years, with a new state-of-the-art public venue, community event center, and basketball arena
My Possibilities
Assistance with the completion of the LaunchAbility Career Service Center
Newgate United Methodist Mission of Longview Inc
Assistance with the purchase of food supplies in order to serve daily meals to vulnerable populations
Norwood Park Foundation
Assistance with the restoration and re-development of Norwood Park for public use
Neueva Luz Foundation
Assistance in educating care providers on Trust-Based Relational Intervention
Operation Kindness of Garland
Assistance with a capital campaign that will increase capacity for dogs and cats
Our Calling Inc
Assistance with construction of a Women’s Center that will enable clients to have more privacy and security
Professional Career Development Services
Assistance with staffing programs that return workers to the workforce by making them more hirable through education, grooming and skill development
Recovery Ranch c/o Brenda Ramos
Assistance with the purchase of new equipment for equine-assisted therapy for adults, children and veterans
San Angelo Performing Arts Coalition Inc
Assistance with education and outreach programs for local students
South Texas Food Bank
Assistance with the Adopt-A-Kid program to supplement the diet of food-insecure children
Texas Diaper Bank
Assistance with expanding the Calm Parent skill-building class to include a module on self-care aimed at reducing anxiety and stress that can lead to neglect or abuse
Texas Language Learning Alternatives, Inc./dba Capitol of Austin
Assistance with upgrading the school parking lots
Texas Tech Foundation, Inc.
Assistance with renovating the on-campus learning laboratory, Skyviews Restaurant to better prepare students for careers in culinary arts and restaurant management
Texas Trees Foundation
Assistance with developing a comprehensive design for pedestrian, bicycle and car traffic that better uses Harry Hines Boulevard and Inwood Road for residents and visitors
Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation
Assistance with the Pets Assisting the Lives of Seniors (PALS) program
To Be Like Me
Assistance with a school-based social-emotional learning experience for elementary and middle school students
Trinity Center St. David’s Episcopal Church
Assistance, over three years, with individual case management for homeless men and women
United Way for Greater Austin
Assistance with the Pre-K Partnerships program to improve access to AISD’s pre-K programs and increase the number of students who are kindergarten-ready
UTMB/School of Nursing
Assistance with the annual Holiday Style Fashion Show and Luncheon to benefit the school’s Bachelor’s Degree Honors Program
Southern Methodist University
Assistance, over ten years, with funding the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
Fort Worth Hope Center/dba The Hope Center
Assistance with providing low-income individuals and families with nutritious food
Foster Angels of South Texas Foundation
Assistance with providing children in foster care with medical care, clothing and other necessities
Foundation for the Callier Center for Communication Disorder
Assistance with early speech-language intervention to children ages 18 months-6 years old
Galveston Bay Foundation
Assistance with underwriting the annual Bike Around the Bay fundraising event
Galveston Chamber Partnership, Inc.
Assistance with education programs and the Women’s Conference
Galveston Island Day Schol/Moody Early Childhood Center
Assistance, over three years, with continuing to increase student access to high quality early childhood education
City of Galveston
Assistance with creating a public green space on the site of the former Central Fire Station
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas
Assistance with camp scholarships and financial assistance to Girl Scouts in need
Girls on the Run of the DFW Metroplex
Assistance with program scholarships for girls in high-need schools that currently do not have activity-based curriculum available
Half-Helen Foundation
Assistance with the purchase of pre-exam equipment needed to increase the number of children provided eye exams
Helping Center of Marble
Assistance with new furniture and fixtures for a new facility
Hitchcock Independent School District
Assistance with the purchase of a food truck to serve as a mobile distribution site for after-school and summer meal programs
Hope Austin
Assistance with increasing the number of students served through the backpack program
Houston Baptist University
Assistance, over two years, with supplementing traditional counseling with summer immersion for first-generation students
IDEA Public Schools
Assistance with construction of four cabins at Camp RIO
Journey to Dream Foundation
Assistance in providing homeless and at-risk teens with mentoring, life skills training and residential services through the Transitional Living Program
Life of a Single Mom
Assistance with presenting Revive Night in the Houston area
Magdalen House
Assistance, over two years, with acute-care and long-term programs for women recovering from alcoholism
Metro Dallas Homeless
Assistance with the Flex Fund which enables case managers to remove small financial barriers to overcoming homelessness
Mission of Mercy, Inc.
Assistance with operating a medical clinic serving the working poor in the Corpus Christi area
Arc of the Capital Area
Assistance with expanding adult education arts programs for students with intellectual development delays
Austin Center For Grief & Loss
Assistance with expansion of grief groups in Austin ISD and Hays Consolidated ISD
Austin Children’s Museum
Assistance with support for the Museums for All program to allow low-income families free admission to the Museum
Austin Community College Foundation
Assistance with funding 20 student scholarships to active students in the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education providing tuition and fees
Austin Youth Leadership and Counseling/dba Our House
Assistance with expanding services at Travis Early College High School by moving off campus to space in a nearby church
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Houston, Inc.
Assistance with adding a Teen Club at the Johnny Mitchell Branch in Galveston
Bridges Training Foundation
Assistance with expansion of a vocational-training and job readiness program
Cameron County Educational Initiative, Inc.
Assistance with job-training in high-demand fields coupled with enrichment programs for family members
Campfire Creek Therapeutic Riding Center
Assistance with operational expenses and with the purchase of a utility task vehicle with cargo capacity
Center for Child Protection
Assistance with funding a new bilingual therapist trained in Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics
Church of the Colord People of Gillespie
Assistance with construction of restrooms on the church property to complete the restoration project
Clear Public Charter School
Assistance with Children’s Literacy Initiative programming for balanced literacy learning in grades K-6
Community Hospice of Texas
Assistance with a new in-the-field communication system
Community Resource Centers of Texas Inc. (CRCTX)
Assistance with the construction of a health and social service center for rural residents of Blanco County
Concho Valley Turning Point
Assistance with the purchase of needed items for facility upgrade and replacements at the Men’s Transitional Facility
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Denton County Inc.
Assistance with flight insurance on donated flights, and with an awareness campaign during Child Abuse Awareness Month
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Northeast Texas Chapter
Assistance with conducting patient care and clinical trials aimed at accelerating the development of drugs and therapeutic approaches that will cure or lessen the symptoms of cystic fibrosis
Dallas Methodist Hospitals Foundation
Assistance, over two years, with expanding the Life Shines Bright Pregnancy Program
El Paso Children’s Hospital Foundation
Assistance with relocating and expanding the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse
Family Eldercare, Inc.
Assistance with continuing to rapidly re-house homeless older adults
West Side Helping Hand
Assistance with construction of a new playground at a new location serving at-risk students from eleven elementary schools and two middle schools
Wheelchairs For Warriors
Assistance with designing, constructing and delivering four specialized wheelchairs for disabled veterans with complex mobility needs
Whitby Road Alliance Inc./dba Providence Place
Assistance with replacing outdated computers, buying software licenses, and expanding wireless capacity to all buildings on the campus
Women In Need of Generous Support
Assistance with completing the capital campaign for the WINGS Center
Proyecto Juan Diego Inc
Assistance with the Integrated Family Program to improve parenting skills, family relationships, and child development that combines classes and individual
PugHearts The Houston Pug Rescue
Assistance in rescuing, rehabilitating and fostering pug and pug-mix dogs who have been abandoned, mistreated or surrendered
Runnin Wj Therapeutic Center Inc
Assistance with expanding the therapeutic riding program serving children and adults by developing a trail system
Saint Judes Ranch For Children Texas Region Inc
Assistance in providing therapeutic residential care to children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect and are in need of specialized care
Salesmanship Club Youth and Family Centers, Inc. dba Momentous Institute
Assistance with training for education and mental health professionals to bring trauma-informed social emotional learning to more children
San Antonio Lighthouse For The Blind
Assistance with the Blind Children’s Education Program to help blind and visually impaired children succeed in public, private or home schools
Senior Citizens of Greater Dallas/dba The Senior Source
Assistance, over a two year period, with operation of the Elder Financial Safety Center in order to prevent, identify and prosecute financial exploitation of senior citizens
Sight Savers America Inc
Assistance with providing case management services in Central Texas that aid families in accessing eye care and glasses, and providing assistive devices to children with uncorrectable vision
South Texas Academic Rising Scholars/dba Stars Scholarship Fund
Assistance in providing scholarships to students already enrolled in a college or university, enabling these students in 30 counties of South Texas to complete their education
Southwestern University
Assistance with the Moody Engagement Fellowship program, enabling students to supplement their college coursework with high-impact experiences
Sunshine Cottage School For Deaf Children
Assistance with expanding two playgrounds to accommodate an increasing preschool enrollment of children with hearing loss