Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, Inc.
Assistance with the 2019 bicycle ride supporting seven breast cancer serving organizations
Texas Wesleyan University
Assistance with expansion of the Graduate Program for Nurse Anesthesia building to accommodate a third cohort of students
United Way of Galveston/Vision Galveston
Assistance with operations of Vision Galveston 2
University of North Texas/College of Music
Assistance with a series of six free concerts in public accessible venues throughout Dallas
University of Texas at Austin/Moody College of Communication
Assistance, over a four year period, with the Moody Foundation Honors Scholarships as a component of the Moody College Honors Program that will offer four-year scholarship awards to attract talented students to Moody College
Upward Hope Academy
Assistance with continued operations of the school, and with an expanded life skills program
Victoria County/Citizens Medical Foundation
Assistance with the purchase of bone density testing equipment
Victoria Gabriel Project/The Bethlehem Maternity Home
Assistance with start-up funding to staff a new maternity home that will offer shelter, medical care, baby supplies and adoption services to women ages 18 and older
Warren Center, Inc.
Assistance with providing therapy to children with developmental disabilities and counseling and respite services to their families
DME Exchange of Dallas
Assistance with a capacity-building initiative that includes hiring a part-time repair technician and increasing the amount of equipment donated
Down Syndrome Partnership Of North Texas
Assistance with the 2020 camp teaching individuals to ride bicycles, and monthly social and educational opportunities for teens and adults.
East Texas Veterans Community Council (ETVCC)
Assistance with renovating a building that will serve as the Resource Center of CampV, Community Assisting Military People and Veterans
El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission
Assistance with a challenge grant for the Hands of Hope annual appeal to Episcopal churches and schools
El Paso Symphony Orchestra Assn
Assistance with providing music training and performance opportunities to students in second through twelfth grades
Faith Family Kids Inc.
Assistance with constructing a playground with areas for early childhood and elementary play
Family Promise Of Clear Creek
Assistance with transporting homeless families to jobs and school and moving shelter supplies among 13 host churches
Friends Of Austin Animal Center
Assistance with a year-long communications campaign to increase adoptions, and promote the availability of low-cost spay/neuter, vaccination and microchipping services through weekly ads
Galveston Children’s Museum
assistance with the Galveston Plays program for Galveston children
Galveston Independent School District
Assistance, over a five-year period, with the Learning Partners: Powerful Learning Initiative program
Galveston Island Swim Team
Assistance with renting the Ball High School pool, and with hiring a part-time program director to increase the number of beginning swimmers served
Golden Age Home
Assistance with the purchase of supplies that will support recreational activities bringing residents of assisted living into contact with community members of all ages
Golden Crescent Court Appointed Special Advocates Inc
Assistance with volunteer recruitment and training in order to serve more children who are in foster care
High School Bbq
Assistance with marketing materials to increase the number of high schools fielding varsity barbecue teams
Hill Country Casa Inc
Assistance with recruiting and training volunteer advocates
It’s A Sensory World Inc
Assistance with expanding an adjacent building and creating a Life Skills Development Lab where older students can practice skills needed to live independently
Meals on Wheels and More, Inc./dba Meals on Wheels Central Texas
Assistance with increasing the number of meals provided to the frail elderly, meeting the growing need that accompanies the area’s rapid population increase
Meals on Wheels Ministry, Inc.
Assistance with the cost of providing nutritious home-delivered meals to the frail elderly and disabled residents of six East Texas counties
Mercy Street Inc
Assistance, over a two-year period, with replicating the mentoring, sports and leadership development program in the Fair Park area of Dallas
Odyssey 2020 Academy Inc
Assistance with increasing academic outcomes for students through reading and writing improvements
Agape Ranch
Assistance with constructing a community of foster families in Nueces County and with the family programs
Armed Services YMCA of El Paso
Assistance with Operation Hero, an after-school program of mentoring and tutoring designed to improve school performance and social interactions of children who are struggling with the challenges of life in a military family
Austin Community Foundation For The Capital Area
Assistance in matching up to $10,000 raised by runners participating in the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon to benefit 26 charitable organizations, and support of the “Charity Chaser” challenge
Austin YMBL Sunshine Camp
Assistance in developing a leadership pipeline through the SHINE Project, a leadership development program and a counselor-in-training program
Bay Area Turning Point, Inc.
Assistance with the Children Services Shelter Program
Baylor Health Care System Foundation
Assistance with continuing and expanding the program placing child life specialists in adult-care hospitals to reduce family stress in times of illness and death
Boys and Girls Clubs Of The Coastal Bend Inc
Assistance with operating expenses of clubs in Victoria, Beeville, Alice, Kingsville and Corpus Christi as the first funding in a new partnership model
Bridge Breast Center, Inc.
Assistance with providing detection and treatment services aimed at reducing the incidence and number of deaths from invasive cancer
Candlelight Ranch Foundation
Assistance in providing outdoors-based education, recreational and therapeutic programs to children of special populations
CASA of Tarrant County Inc
Assistance with two new programs, Collaborative Family Engagement and Trust-Based Relational Intervention
CASA of Travis County, Inc.
Assistance with the Family Finding program to serve 90 children in foster care, identifying family members who may serve as a resource for the child
Central Texas Community Health Centers dba CommUnityCare
Assistance with purchasing obstetric and gynecological equipment that will detect cervical cancer, reduce birth complications and improve service delivery at five clinic locations in Travis and Bastrop counties
Cody Stephens Go Big Or Go Home Memorial Foundation
Assistance with free screenings for heart abnormalities as part of the sports physical in nine Galveston County mainland school districts to identify those at risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Assistance with expanding access to technology within the Galveston community
Court Appointed Special Advocates CASA of Liberty/Chambers Counties
Assistance with the Fostering Futures Program preparing teens in foster care for productive and healthy adulthood
Covington Independent School District/Hill County Shared Services Arrangement
Assistance with establishing a lending library for assistive technology so that each special needs student has a trial period of using a device ensuring that it is the best solution
Dallas Foundation A Texas Nonprofit Corporation/Dallas Portal Fund
Assistance with a semester-long residency of the immersive audio-visual Portal environment to connect Shelton School students and faculty to communities throughout the world
Dallas SCI Recovery, Inc./dba REACT
Assistance with operating the Neuro-Restorative Program providing innovative therapies to paralyzed individuals
Denton Assistance Center, Inc./dba Serve Denton
Assistance with completing the Serve Denton Center, a co-location of the area’s social and medical services for low-income residents of Denton County
Denton County Friends Of The Family Inc
Assistance with the purchase of therapeutic play equipment for use in counseling and play therapy programs for children who have witnessed or are impacted by family violence
ProjectHandup/dba The Gatehouse
Assistance with children’s education and enrichment activities as they and their mothers receive comprehensive services to break the cycles of domestic abuse and poverty
PWA Coalition Of Dallas Inc dba AIDS Services of Dallas
Assistance with the construction of four apartments at the site of an 8-unit complex under renovation to create Lancaster Place, an independent-living community for 25 residents
Rahabs Retreat And Ranch Inc
Assistance with continued operations of the transitional program for women formerly involved in the sex industry
Settlement Club/dba The Settlement Home
Assistance with renovating a home adjacent to the main campus to serve as a supervised group home for teens who have experienced trauma, abuse and/or neglect
Spindletop Center
Assistance with purchasing and outfitting a mobile mental health van to provide rapid-response services following disasters, and visiting schools and health fairs
Spring Branch Baseball Program/SpringSpirit Baseball
Assistance, over a two-year period, with expanding educational programming at all grade levels for children in Spring Branch ISD
Stand For Children Leadership Center
Assistance with expanding and developing a database for the Home Visit Project in Dallas ISD
Teach For America Inc
Assistance with professional development opportunities for the 260 TFA corps members teaching in four Metroplex schools
Texas Chihuahua Rescue Inc
Assistance with renovating an outbuilding to serve as a kennel and holding facility
Village Learning Center Inc
Assistance toward supplying affordable and accessible transportation to clients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Volunteer Healthcare Clinic Inc
Assistance in providing indigent and uninsured working poor patients with specialized medical clinics
West Lake Limestone Volunteer Fire Department
Assistance with construction of two water plants at two substations
Young Women’s Preparatory Network
Assistance in underwriting the expenses of the first YWPN Symposium
Crystal Charity Ball
Assistance toward the 2019 Crystal Charity Ball benefitting ten Dallas County children’s charities
Dallas Afterschool
Assistance, over a two-year period, with creating a Literacy Program Coordinator position to transition the Tackle Summer Slide program into a year-round literacy program
Dallas Foundation A Tx Nonprofit Corporation/Spay and Neuter Surge Project
Assistance with the third and final year of the Southern Dallas Spay Neuter Surge Project
Dallas Theater Center
Assistance, over a four-year period, in underwriting the annual production of “A Christmas Carol”
Family Gateway, Inc.
Assistance in expanding the Assessment and Diversion program to aid families in crisis before they are in a shelter, and developing a pilot program to prevent families who are precariously housed from becoming homeless
Galveston Independent School District
Assistance, over a five-year period, with Project Lead the Way to provide engineering and robotics for all Galveston ISD campuses
Galveston’s Own Farmers Market
Assistance with expansion of the Young Gardeners Program of hands-on learning, and building capacity for the market’s programs for food accessibility
Guide Dogs Of Texas Inc
Assistance in matching visually impaired adults in the Houston/Galveston area with a fully trained guide dog
Haca Scholarship Foundation Inc dba Austin Pathways
Assistance toward providing specialized service coordination, in partnership with Family Eldercare, to elderly residents of general-population public housing
Juliette Fowler Communities
Assistance toward the Workforce Readiness Program for young women who have aged out of foster care
Kid Net Foundation/Jonathan’s Place
Assistance in building capacity of the foster placement program, with increased capacity to meet the special needs of the most vulnerable children
Manos De Cristo Inc
Assistance in providing a full range of dental and oral health services to low-income children and adults in Austin
Mounting Horizons
Assistance to serve as a local match needed for Texas Department of Transportation funding for accessible on-demand transportation for individuals with disabilities
Nacogdoches HOPE (Helping Other People Eat)
Assistance with outfitting a new soup kitchen with cooking utensils, tables, chairs and a year’s supply of plates, forks and soup cups
Nia Cultural Center, Inc.
Assistance with the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School program
Old Jail Art Center
Assistance with a series of temporary exhibitions featuring Texan, American and international artists that are accompanied by gallery talks, curricula, virtual experiences and events
Onion Creek Senior Center
Assistance with the purchase and installation of two commercial ovens in order to expand the weekly lunch program for the senior population of Hays County
Open Arms, Inc./Bryan’s House
Assistance with the purchase and installation of a client database and computers and replacement of Federal funding for children’s programs
Port Arthur Little Theatre
Assistance with replacing the air conditioning system, purchasing a video projector and replacing groundskeeping equipment and supplies
Project Graduation, Inc.
Assistance in providing graduating seniors in the class of 2019 with an all-night, alcohol and drug free graduation party
SMART Family Literacy
Assistance with the early childhood literacy program for parents, children from infants to age 8, and child care center staff
Special Olympics Texas, Inc.
Assistance with the year-round sports training and athletic competition throughout the state
Sustainable Food Center, Inc.
Assistance with the Sprouting Healthy Kids program
University of Texas at Austin/Blanton Museum of Art
Assistance with grounds redevelopment and with Free Thursdays Endowment
Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement
Assistance with the Women’s Success Initiative
Young Women’s Christian Association of Greater Austin
Assistance in implementing a mobile mental health clinic to deliver trauma-informed therapy and respond to emergencies
Abilene Youth Sports Authority, Inc.
Assistance, over a two-year period, in providing young people with year-round sports activities by staffing a new sports complex with sports coordinators who will involve the community in classes, teams, tournaments and camps
Ace Mentor Program of America, Inc.
Assistance in offering high school students opportunities to learn about careers in engineering, architecture and construction through an after-school program
Austin Achieve Public Schools, Inc.
Assistance with the College Readiness Program, a four-year immersion in setting and achieving goals for higher education
Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival
Assistance in presenting more than 70 films at the All Genders, Lifestyles and Identities Film Festival
Austin Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
Assistance in building a third ReStore home improvement store
Bayou Vista Police Department
Assistance in replacing a high-mileage patrol unit with a new SUV-style unit and outfitting it for law enforcement use
Big Thought
Assistance toward the 2019 Dallas City of Learning initiative to provide students with summer learning programs
Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas, Inc.
Assistance with the Accelerated Early-Childhood Education intervention and the Academic Success after-school assistance project
Camp Summit, Inc.
Assistance with renovating a residential camp to be barrier-free, modifying the swimming pool and pathways to better accommodate special needs, and completing the capital campaign
Casa Esperanza, Inc./dba Hope House of Austin
Assistance in purchasing a wheelchair van for use in transporting medically fragile and mentally disabled clients to medical appointments, therapy and events
Catholic Charities Of Central Texas
Assistance in providing veterans in a 25-county area with case management, financial assistance and individualized services that process and resolve the emotional, financial and social consequences of their service
Chambers Community Health Centers, Inc.
Assistance with expanding mammography and providing additional diagnostic procedures for women with irregular mammograms, and with purchasing equipment to monitor diabetes