Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

Child and Family Guidance Centers
Assistance in expanding and renovating the main facility, adding an on-site pharmacy, and adding four staff positions dedicated to preventing institutional placements
Clear Lake Emergency Medical Corps
Assistance with the purchase of protective gear, a chest compression system for cardiac emergencies, and new mattresses
Affect Change, Inc./CareBOX Program
Assistance in adding warehouse equipment that will better use volunteer labor to reduce the time needed to prepare and distribute medical goods
Assistance League of the Bay Area
Assistance in providing school clothing, shoes and hygiene supplies to students from low-income families at 87 schools in five school districts and a charter school in Galveston and Harris counties
Austin Community Foundation For The Capital Area
Assistance in matching up to $10,000 raised by runners participating in the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon to benefit 28 charitable organizations, and support of the “Charity Chaser” challenge
Austin Film Society
Assistance with the 19th annual Texas Film Awards
Austin Theatre Alliance
Assistance with the Literacy for Life program, and with affordable student matinee performances
The Battered Women’s Foundation
Assistance with providing children whose mothers have left abusive situations with the tools for success in school, and enrichment activities aimed at reducing long-term childhood stress
Circle Of Health International
Council on Recovery
Assistance with the operations of the Behavioral Health Training Institute
Cristo Rey Dallas High School
Assistance in constructing a multi-purpose center that will house a cafeteria, gymnasium, mental health space, fine arts studios, and headquarters for the school’s Corporate Work-Study program
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
Assistance, over a two-year period, in creating a PhD psychology internship program to expand the pool of therapists, and for an awareness campaign
El Campo Memorial Hospital
Assistance in building a larger, more efficient hospital, adding new facilities for hyperbaric/wound care, cardiac catheterization, labor and delivery and diagnostic imaging
Finding Faith Within Yourself, Inc.
Assistance in providing emergency shelter to Tarrant County victims of domestic violence while they search for appropriate long-term housing and services
Galveston County Food Bank
Assistance with the purchase and installation of 3,200 square feet of freezer and refrigerated space and with the purchase of a forklift and pallet jacks, and installation of security fencing and lighting
The Gratitude Initiative
Assistance in providing the teen children of military personnel with college and career planning
Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County/dba Integral Care
Assistance in establishing a client assistance fund to provide residents with household items to further stabilize clients in their new homes
Moody Scholars Program
North Dallas Shared Ministries, Inc.
Assistance in increasing the number of screenings and treatment sessions available to low-income clients
Project Normalization Open Door Preschool
Assistance in recruiting Foster Grandparents to serve in preschool classrooms, and in purchasing technology for teachers
Rainbow Days, Inc.
Assistance in completing the final phase of library improvements
Rosenberg Library Association
Assistance in completing the final phase of library improvements
The University of Texas at Austin/Moody College of Communication
assistance, over a two-year period, in establishing the Moody Foundation Honors Scholarships as a component of the new Moody College Honors Program that will offer full, partial and one-time awards to attract talented students to Moody College
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
assistance toward equipping a research laboratory for use in an undergraduate research program aimed at improving student readiness for graduate and professional programs
Theater Action Project/dba Creative Action
assistance with adding staff and supplies to a new and larger space in East Austin in order to serve more Central Texas teens interested in film, theater and visual arts programs
Transitional Learning Center at Galveston
transfer of 1,000 shares of American National Insurance Company common stock to assist with future operational and capital expansion plans
Trinity River Mission, Inc.
assistance with the Homework Help program for elementary students, and the Believe & Achieve program for middle and high school students
United Way of Galveston, Inc./Galveston County Recovery Fund
assistance in rebuilding 1,000 Galveston County homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey through a collaboration of two groups, 4B Disaster Recovery Network and Eight Days of Hope
United Way of Galveston/Vision Galveston
assistance with the Vision Galveston project
Upward Hope Academy
assistance with the Social Development Program
Val Verde Regional Medical Center
assistance with the purchase of breast MRI coil equipment that will enable the hospital to offer additional testing and treatment options to patients diagnosed with breast cancer
Vannie E. Cook Jr. Cancer Foundation, Inc.
assistance in providing operating support, enabling young patients to receive live-saving treatment, participate in clinical trials, and recover in their own community
Visiting Nurse Association of Texas
assistance, over two years, in expanding meal delivery to include an additional 400 low-income seniors
Warren Center, Inc.
assistance in providing clinical therapy services to children with language or speech disorders, autism or intellectual disorders
West Texas Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation
assistance in implementing the Project Impact, home-based program of parent intervention for preschool children with autism
Young Men’s Christian Association of Austin
assistance, over a two-year period, in constructing Camp Cypress to provide day, overnight and family camps, group retreats and outdoor education through the construction of an aquatic center, cabins to house 288 campers and camping amenities
Youth Village Resources of Dallas/dba Youth With Faces
assistance, over a two-year period, in equipping young women in custody with career and social skills for successful reintegration into the community by involving them in horticulture, culinary arts, career readiness and financial literacy classes, and opening a catering company to employ them
Ronald McDonald House of Galveston
additional assistance, over two years, with the outdoor play space that is shaded, accessible and safe, as part of the residential services to families with a hospitalized or ill child
Samaritan Women at the Well
assistance, over two years, with program expenses of housing homeless individuals and families and equipping them with the life skills to reduce recidivism and drug dependency
Santa Fe Texas Eduction
assistance for the victims of the May 18, 2018 shooting at Santa Fe High School, and for safety improvements that will benefit students
Sea Star Base Galveston
assistance with the Sea Star Scholars after-school and summer programs
Sickle Cell Association of Texas Marc Thomas Foundation
assistance with the purchase of a van and equipping it with test kits and educational materials
Smart Family Literacy, Inc.
assistance in expanding the number of family engagement events aimed at children from infants to age 8, and the professional development offered to early childhood educators to promote multisensory learning
St. Mary’s University
assistance with endowing the first-year orientation component of the Law Success Program
St. Vincent’s House
assistance in adding a case manager and benefits navigator to work with clients who are at risk of homelessness and help them connect with the services to become more secure and self-sustaining
Suicide And Crisis Center
assistance with the operation of a 24-hour crisis hotline staffed by volunteers and trained professionals
Teen Kick
assistance with a 2019 faith-based summer retreat for at-risk teen girls
Texas Ballet Theater, Inc.
assistance with the production of the American premiere of the new full-length ballet Pinocchio
Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, Inc.
assistance with the 10th annual fundraising bike ride whose proceeds are distributed to health and social services agencies in Central Texas
Texas State Historical Association
assistance over two years with the Texas History Day
The Children’s Museum of Brownsville
assistance in expanding the Mini Maker’s Studio to reach all first and fifth grade students in the Weslaco ISD, with an emphasis on familiarizing girls with STEM
The Gulf Coast Center
assistance, over a two-year period, in offering supportive transport to link clinics, social services and government offices and aid individuals in accessing the help they need to become as self-sufficient as possible
The Refuge for DMST
assistance in providing psychiatric services for girls ages 11-19 who have been rescued out of sex trafficking and are in need of a healing environment
The SAFE Alliance
assistance toward the operation of the Family Shelter, providing adults and children with a safe haven from domestic or sexual violence
The SAFE Alliance
assistance toward two components of the Emergency Shelter program, one for youth 6-18 awaiting foster care or other placement, and the teen mother program
The Texas Tribune
assistance over three years with a fellowship program for journalism students at the Moody College of Communication and other universities
The University of Texas at Austin/Blanton Museum of Art
assistance in providing community access to the museum through the Free Thursdays program, which offers admission and special activities at no charge
Odyssey 2020 Academy, Inc.
assistance with the Summer of Innovation and Creativity program to increase students’ academic skills and their motivation for learning
Odyssey 2020 Academy, Inc.
assistance over five years with the expansion of the High Yield Program for Galveston Secondary students
Open Arms Rape Crisis Center & LGBT+ Services
assistance in purchasing a building that will house staff, counseling, and educational programs for residents of an 11-county area
P’s Foundation For The Arts
assistance in providing outreach programs sending musicians into schools, providing access to concerts, and encouraging students to apply for summer programs
Parish Episcopal School
assistance in bringing STEM education to pediatric cancer patients
Partners in Parenting
assistance with a 10-week facilitated program that helps parents build a network of peers, learn resilience, understand child development and avoid isolation and depression
Paws for Heroes
assistance in pairing military veterans with dogs rescued from local shelters and trained to provide companionship and emotional support
People’s Community Clinic
assistance in completing a capital campaign that built a 49,000 square foot clinic, enabling the clinic to devote more resources to patient care and health education
Plano Children’s Therapy/North Texas Performing Arts
assistance with offering afterschool arts enrichment programs at 15 sites and bringing live performances to 24 Title I elementary schools
Project Graduation, Inc.
assistance in providing a drug-free, alcohol-free night of celebration to the Ball High School class of 2018
Project Vida Health Center
assistance with renovations of a building that will serve as a permanent satellite clinic serving a low-income area of El Paso County
Rahab’s Retreat and Ranch, Inc.
assistance with renovation of a wing of a former nursing home now housing a faith-based recovery center for women
Reach Unlimited, Inc.
assistance in providing public school students who have intellectual and developmental disabilities with transportation to after-school programming once they age out of traditional after-school child care
Reading Partners
assistance with an intervention program pairing volunteer tutors with struggling K-3rd grade students to improve literacy and social-emotional learning skills
Recovery Resource Council
assistance with expansion of the Enduring Families Veterans Counseling Program
Retina Foundation of the Southwest
assistance in developing new treatments for amblyopia, and constructing a testing room in a newly-renovated headquarters to that visual impairments can be identified and corrected at an earlier age
Rice University
assistance in developing, both in the short term and in the long term through endowed funds, innovative programs in the visual, performing and multimedia arts, laboratory space for exploring new modes of thinking, and collaborative courses merging arts and other studies
RISE Adventures, Inc./dba RISE Adaptive Sports
assistance in providing children with disabilities with therapeutic recreational sports programs aimed at improving the current and future quality of life
Rise School of Austin
assistance in providing speech, physical, occupational, and music therapy to preschool children with developmental delays
Ronald McDonald House of Galveston
assistance in creating an outdoor play space that is shaded, accessible and safe, as part of the residential services to families with a hospitalized or ill child
Junior Achievement of Dallas, Inc.
assistance with the Junior Achievement BizTown program of in-class lessons and a hands-on experience in a simulated town
assistance with AccessU annual conference training to improve access to the internet for people with disabilities
Leukemia Texas
assistance in offsetting a portion of the expensive and often financially devastating cost of leukemia treatment through the Patient Aid Fund
Lighthouse Christian Ministries
assistance with the purchase of a pickup truck for use in mobile food distributions, emergency assistance and retrieving food from Galveston County Food Bank and local stores and food drives
Lubbock Impact Inc.
Lutheran Music Academy of Galveston Island, Inc.
assistance in providing year-round programming in music and the arts for Galveston children, offering full or partial scholarships to children whose parents are unable to pay tuition
Mainland Children’s Partnership/Galveston County Long Term Recovery Group
assistance in repairing 21 of the estimated 6,000 homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey, bridging the livability gap until federal home replacement programs are available in late 2019
Mane Gait
assistance with the “GaitWay to the Brain” Therapeutic Riding + Brain-Building series of evidence-based brain exercises
Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County/dba Integral Care
assistance with a pilot peer-to-peer program to identify teen depression, augmenting the existing on-campus mental health care
Mercury One, Inc.
assistance with the Leadership Training Program in the summer of 2019 to provide college-age individuals with additional exposure to principles of American history
Mi Escuelita Preschool, Inc.
assistance with the ASPIRE program of parent engagement and training, teacher training and enhanced child literacy learning
Mission of Mercy, Inc.
assistance in meeting a challenge grant to provide medical services to uninsured and underinsured residents of South Texas at a clinic in Corpus Christi and through a mobile clinic in Sandia
Mobile Loaves & Fishes Inc.
assistance with the first phase of Community First Village
support for the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball, scheduled for November 10, 2018
Moody Scholars Program
assistance with the 2018 Moody Scholars Program
Moody-Bradley House
assistance over two years in making needed repairs to the historic 1860 birthplace of W.L. Moody, Jr. and in developing a marketing plan that will increase the home’s visibility in the North Texas market for event rentals
National Ambucs, Inc.
assistance in constructing a fully accessible playground that will enable children with disabilities to interact with their non-disabled peers
New Day Services for Children and Families
assistance in providing at-risk mothers with support and exposure to healthy parenting skills through the FOCUS for Women program
Nia Cultural Center
assistance with the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School program
Oak Hill Academy
assistance with the purchase and installation of Clevertouch panels to enable multi-sensory education that incorporates video streaming, interactive content and document sharing in K-12 classrooms
Galveston’s County Constable’s Office Precinct 2
assistance with the purchase of 200 ballistic helmets and 200 tourniquet holsters
George W. Bush Foundation/George W. Bush Institute
assistance, over five years, with the Presidential Leadership Scholars Program
Good Local Markets
assistance with the “Eating Local is a SNAP” program that increases the value of SNAP benefits when used for fresh food