Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

Grant Halliburton
assistance with education programs for students, school staff and parents on handling adolescent stress, mental health, coping skills and suicide prevention
Guide Dogs of Texas, Inc.
assistance with breeding and training additional guide dogs so that more visually impaired individuals can benefit from the mobility and independence fostered by a guide dog
Gulf Coast Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Inc.
assistance in providing additional mentorships to at-risk Galveston County children ages 6-17
Heart House
assistance with expansion of the Head, Heart and Hands program for refugee children living in Vickery Meadow, including counselors, therapy materials and operating support
Helotes Humane Society
assistance with providing low-cost microchipping to aid in reuniting lost pets with their owners, and with offering vouchers that enable low-income pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered
Helping Hands Home for Children
assistance in expanding the Families First Program to recruit, train and support an additional 25 families
Hendrick Medical Center
assistance with the construction of a Pediatric Therapy Gymnasium
Heroes for Children
assistance with the financial assistance program aiding families with a child battling cancer
Hill Country Ride for AIDS, Inc.
assistance, over a two-year period, with the annual fundraising ride whose proceeds support nine partner agencies offering services to those with or at risk of HIV/AIDS
Holy Family Catholic School
assistance with the summer 2019 and Before/After School Programs
Hope Active
assistance with the Back-to-School Health and Wellness Event
Hope Supply Co.
assistance in providing homeless and at-risk infants and children inn North Texas with critically needed supplies, and in bringing simple recreation opportunities to children in homeless shelters
assistance with distributing weekend kits to students struggling with food insecurity at twenty schools in the Austin area
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Educational Fund
assistance in providing four-year renewable Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo scholarships to more than 750 graduating high school seniors in the class of 2018 who will be attending colleges and universities in Texas
Interfaith Family Services
assistance with operating funds for anti-poverty efforts at the new Family Empowerment Center
Journey of Hope Grief Support Center, Inc.
assistance over three years in establishing a Dallas satellite location offering grief counseling at no cost to children who have lost a parent or sibling, and their families
June Shelton School and Evaluation Center
assistance in constructing a Fine Arts Center on a new North Dallas campus
Family Compass
assistance over 2 years with expansion of the Parent Aide Program
Family Eldercare, Inc.
assistance with the Home Again/Seniors Off the Street program providing rapid re-housing and case management to homeless senior citizens
Family Service Center of Galveston County
assistance in further development of Trauma-Informed Care practices, implementation of mental health services for students in Dickinson ISD, and continuing to present early-childhood parenting workshops
FOCUS Families of Communities United in Service, Inc./dba Ambassadors Preparatory Academy
assistance with the Summer Acceleration and Enrichment Program
FOCUS Families of Communities United in Service, Inc./dba Ambassadors Preparatory Academy
assistance with four academic improvement and innovation projects for the 2018-2019 school year: A Breakthrough Towards Love for Reading, the Pearson Curriculum, Snapology, and Summer Acceleration and Enrichment
Food Bank Of Abilene Inc
assistance with the purchase and installation of a cooler that will triple the food bank’s capacity to distribute fresh produce
Fort Stockton Community Theatre, Inc.
assistance in constructing a 125-seat theater adjacent to the existing 50-seat theater
Foster Angels of South Texas Foundation
assistance in providing funding to meet the individual needs of a child in foster care, including school extracurricular activities, therapy or tutoring
Friends of the Dallas Public Library
assistance in furnishing the new Vickery Meadow branch library’s areas for children and teens with books, computers and study materials
Galveston Bay Foundation
assistance with the 2018 Bike Around the Bay fundraising bike ride
Galveston Children’s Museum
assistance with the Galveston Plays: Pilot Program for Educational Enrichment
Galveston College Foundation
assistance over two years with a community endowment for non-tuition expenses at Galveston College
Galveston Homeschool Association, Inc./Galveston Homeschool Performing Arts Co-op
assistance, over three years, with the purchase of materials for music and drama education and to enter music festivals and competitions
Galveston Independent School District
assistance with the second literacy summit for 2017-2018, “Ready Set Read Above” to continue the coaching/mentoring for GISD teachers
Galveston Independent School District
assistance, over a three-year period, with the Safe and Civil School CHAMPS Positive Behavior Intervention System
Galveston Independent School District
assistance, over a five-year period, with the Tor Kids and Tor Prep Afterschool and Summer school programs
Galveston Independent School District
assistance, over a five-year period, with the Causeway Galveston-Whole Child Initiative
Galveston Independent School District
assistance, over a five-year period, with the Galveston Career Connect – College & Career Initiative
Galveston Island Day School/Moody Early Childhood Center
assistance with a Professional Development program for early childhood educators, Island-wide
Galveston Island Humane Society, Inc.
assistance with the Meet Your Match protocol to develop more detailed information on each animal and categorizing them for adopters
Conference on Crimes Against Women, Inc.
assistance, over a five-year period, with creating and training Coordinated Community Response teams to serve victims of domestic abuse in areas without shelters, advocacy organizations or trained responders
Council on Recovery
assistance with training more behavioral health professionals and providing community education, addressing a predicted shortfall of 10,000 workers in the mental health and substance abuse fields in the next seven years
Court Appointed Special Advocates
assistance with the ongoing program to advocate on behalf of children removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect
Court Appointed Special Advocates Of Denton County Inc
assistance in finding safe, permanent homes for children who have been removed from their families due to the parents’ abuse or neglect
Crystal Charity Ball
assistance in supporting eight charities in Dallas County that are concerned with the needs of children, enabling groups to provide innovative services in health, education, arts, and social welfare and expand their capacity
Daedalian Foundation
assistance in increasing the pool of young people qualified to become military pilots through the Daedalian Flying Training program for high school and college students
Dallas Academy
assistance with updating Smart Boards in 28 classrooms and purchasing 10 visualizing units, a 3-D printer, and modules for architecture and robotics
Dallas Afterschool
assistance in developing additional Wonder Kits, curriculum built around hands-on STEM learning that require minimal preparation by after-school staff
Dallas Dream Center Inc./dba Dallas Metro
assistance in providing 400 West Dallas children with a weekend-long summer camp prior to the beginning of after-school programming
Dallas Foundation A Tx Nonprofit Corporation/Early Matters Dallas
assistance over two years in developing new measures for identifying successful early childhood practices that will enable Dallas and other school districts to deliver pre-K services more effectively
Dallas Museum of Art
assistance with three Community Engagement programs for students, adults with special needs, and families and caregivers, making the museum’s programming more accessible to all people
Dallas SPARK
assistance over three years with the development of two new programs for older elementary and middle school students to encourage them to pursue their own project in technology, and to learn to enjoy making music
Dallas Summer Musicals
assistance in developing education and arts events that amplify the impact of the Dallas premiere of “Hamilton”
Dive Pirates Foundation
assistance over three years in providing veterans and other individuals with disabilities with diving lessons, equipment and mentoring
Down Syndrome Association of South Texas
assistance in expanding programming to meet the growing need for educational, recreational, social and volunteer activities for children and adults with Down syndrome
Dwell with Dignity Foundation
assistance with new furnishings, selected and installed by an interior design team in order to offer formerly homeless families a fresh start and new outlook
El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission
assistance with a challenge grant for the Hands of Hope annual appeal to Episcopal churches and schools
El Paso Children’s Hospital Foundation
assistance in providing pediatric patients with therapeutic arts programming in classes and at bedside to offer opportunities for self-expression, tools for developing a positive outlook and goal-setting
Essilor Vision Foundation
assistance in operating a mobile vision clinic providing exams and eyeglasses to low-income children with vision impairments
Faithworks of Abiliene
assistance in serving more unemployed individuals with a 13-week skills training program aimed at gainful employment
Candlelight Ranch Foundation
assistance with increased expenses of providing therapeutic and educational outdoor experiences for underserved children ages 6-18
CASA of Galevston County
assistance in building capacity in order to provide more of the children in temporary state custody with a volunteer advocate
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston
assistance with the services of the Beacon of Hope Center
Center for Child Protection
assistance with funding the therapist position in Therapeutic Family Services
Center for Nonprofit Management
assistance in providing training to conduct outcomes-based evaluation, and offering evaluation-technology consulting and support to mid-sized Moody Foundation grantees to improve and refine their programs
Chase’s Place, Inc.
assistance with providing specialized therapies as part of the curriculum for the student body of moderate to severely developmentally disabled students
Child Care Group
assistance with renovating a vacant building adjacent to a full range of services, collaborating with Catholic Charities of Dallas to provide a two-generation approach to serving children and families
Children’s Craniofacial Association
assistance with the Choose Kindness Initiative to help foster classroom discussions on empathy, patience and social acceptance of children and adults with visible differences
Children’s Advocacy Center
assistance toward expansion of the center to meet the growth of the area
Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County Inc.
assistance with providing Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to children and non-offending family members, and with stocking the Rainbow Room with clothes, car seats, diapers and other items
Children’s Heart Foundation Texas Chapter
assistance in raising funds and awareness to find cures for congenital heart conditions through a fundraising walk and fun run held in partnership with the Adult Congenital Heart Association
Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Central Texas/Dell Children’s Medical Center
assistance, over two years, with a summer day camp serving children with cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular disorders, and to expand to a second location in Williamson County
Chris Howell Foundation
assistance with the costs of presenting quarterly Know Your Status Dallas events for HIV/AIDS education
Christian Care Center
assistance with renovating the commons space at Courtyard Memory Care
Citizens for Animal Protection Inc.
assistance in expanding clinic services to include low-cost spay and neuter procedures to make the procedures more available to low-income and rural residents of Harris County
Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer
assistance in providing funding for families whose child is in the final stages of terminal cancer
Communities in Schools of Central Texas, Inc.
assistance with the XY-Zone, a year-round leadership and peer support program operating in eleven high-need Central Texas high schools
Communities in Schools of Galveston County
assistance, over three years, with the Keeping Kids in School programs
Communities in Schools of the Dallas Region
assistance with expanding the SafetyNet Project
assistance in providing technology classes and computers to 810 students in 7 schools in Galveston
Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival
assistance in presenting a four-day festival featuring more than 70 film screenings, panel discussions and related events, at the Southwest’s largest film event focused on the diverse perspectives of the LGBTQIA community
Austin Habitat for Humanity
assistance in constructing four new homes for purchase by low-income, working-poor Austin residents
Austin Partners in Education
assistance with tutoring and mentoring, beginning in middle school in order for students to access AISD’s Early College High School and Career Launch School programs
Austin Plastic Surgery Foundation/Austin Smiles
assistance in providing Central Texas children who are undergoing treatment for cleft lip and palate anomalies with services that aid in their long-term treatment
Austin YMBL Sunshine Camp
assistance in broadening the impact of existing camp programs by launching a pilot project that brings campers and their parents together for a weekend family camp
Ballroom Cultural Arts Foundation
assistance, over two years, in presenting Marfa Myths, a four-day music and multi-disciplinary cultural festival
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy
assistance in improving adult literacy education while immediately benefiting 4,000 low-literacy Texas residents by establishing Dallas as a field test site for innovative new literacy learning mobile apps
Barton Springs Conservancy
assistance in completing the “For the Love of the Springs” capital campaign to restore and rehabilitate the iconic Barton Springs Bathhouse
Bastrop County Emergency Food Pantry
assistance in expanding the Pantry’s Brown Bag program
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas
assistance, over two years, with the final phase of the “Lose the Wait” project to reduce the time at-risk children spend before being matched with a mentor
Bishop Dunne Catholic School
assistance, over a two-year period, in renovating two science labs to community college standards, and with establishing the College Readiness Academy
assistance with the “Books for Me” literacy-fostering program of reading activities and book distribution focusing on high-need children
Boy Scouts of America, Circle Ten Council
assistance over two years with capital improvements to Camp James Ray that will add a dormitory and amphitheater for family camping, and support of the ScoutReach initiative for disadvantaged youth in underserved communities
Boy Scouts of America/East Texas Area Council
assistance, over two years, toward expenses associated with transforming Boy Scouts into a program for both boys and girls that will be known as Scouts BSA
Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas
assistance with the Patient Navigation Program
Bridge Steps
assistance with the Peer Support Services program
Brighter Tomorrows
assistance with the shelter’s Children’s Program, providing counseling to children who have been victims of or witness to domestic violence
Bryan Texana Foundation/Bryan Museum
assistance with the museum’s major fundraising effort, the annual “Evening at the Bryan”
Café Momentum
assistance with job-training internships for youth released from the Dallas County Juvenile Justice system, and with construction of a Community Services Center
Camp Diasozo
assistance with the purchase of a cabin for use in housing families visiting the camp
A Christian Food Pantry Inc
assistance in adding freezer space and purchasing more high-protein food such as meat, eggs and dairy products
Aberg Center for Literacy
assistance, over two years, toward programming and establishing a Volunteer Coordinator position
Abilene Boys Ranch, Inc./dba Ben Richey Boys Ranch and Family Program
assistance toward the construction of ten independent living units to house single-parent families as they strive to become self-sufficient