Moody Foundation Grant Categories
- Arts & Humanities
- Communities & Social Services
- Education
- Health
- Science
- M-Pact

ACE Mentor Program of America, Inc./Austin Affiliate
assistance with scholarships to college or skilled trades programs for students pursuing careers in architecture, construction or engineering
Admiral Nimitz Foundation
assistance with a major renovation of gallery space and installation of climate controls to better protect museum artifacts
Affect Change, Inc./CareBOX Program
assistance in preventing cancer-related deaths due to malnutrition, infections and falls by providing Central Texas cancer patients living at home with boxes of supplies tailored to their specific needs
AIDS Interfaith Network Inc.
assistance in making an unanticipated move to a location near Parkland Hospital, providing better services to HIV-positive clients
Alley’s House
assistance with the Comprehensive Services for Teen Mothers program
American Cancer Society, Inc./Cattle Baron’s Ball
assistance in underwriting the Junior Cattle Baron’s Ball to provide an afternoon excursion for pediatric cancer patients to see “Disney on Ice,” and support of the Healthy Community Initiative
Amy’s Friends/dba New Friends New Life
assistance in providing girls and young women who have sexually exploited or trafficked with access to education, job training, counseling and support through the Youth Resource Center
Angelina Arts Alliance Inc.
assistance in presenting two performances, including a school-day performance for middle school students, of Black Violin, and outreach efforts to engage audiences
Animal Alliance of Galveston County
assistance in controlling the population of stray dogs and cats and protecting public health by expanding mobile spay-neuter services, bringing the mobile spay-neuter unit directly into low-income neighborhoods
Ann Richards School Foundation
assistance with enrichment activities at al grade levels that bolster STEM learning and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Armed Services YMCA of El Paso
assistance with incorporating Operation Hero into programming for military families
Assistance League of Greater Collin County
assistance in providing school clothes and basic hygiene items to disadvantaged children in seven North Texas school districts as part of Operation School Bell
Auduborn Texas
assistance in expanding the Audubon Conservation Treks program to involve underserved youth in Texas cities in outdoor activities
Austin Diaper Bank
assistance in building capacity in order to serve more of Central Texas’ need for diapers distributed to at-risk populations
Austin Explore, Inc./Explore Austin
assistance, over a two-year period, in providing disadvantaged Austin youth with outdoor experiences, mentoring and leadership training through a year-round program of activities, leading to a weeklong wilderness backcountry trip
Austin F&W Alliance/dba Austin Food & Wine Alliance
assistance with the annual Culinary Arts Career Conference for high school students from school districts throughout Central Texas
Austin Film Society
assistance in presenting the 18th annual Texas Film Awards on April 8, 2018, honoring films made in Texas and outstanding Texans in film, television and music
Pollard United Methodist Church
assistance in building a community garden adjacent to an elementary school that will serve as a learning garden for fifth graders, provide fresh organic produce for the food bank, and offer church members and residents an opportunity to interact and benefit their community
Baylor University
assistance in renovating Moody Memorial Library in preparation for its 50th anniversary in 2018, to include a flexible classroom that will be used for traditional lecture-format classes and video-conference learning
Holocaust Museum Houston
assistance in constructing a new and expanded museum dedicated to Holocaust education, classroom, a larger auditorium and space for activities
Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation
assistance in developing a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease that uses existing anti-inflammatory drugs to slow memory loss and cognitive impairment, through a three-year study of the role of inflammation in the progression of the disease from early through late stages
Longhorn Project Advisory Board
assistance in expanding the capacity for school field trips so that more Galveston County third and eighth graders are able to experience the STEM-related offerings involved in agriculture
assistance in honoring past and present members of the United States Marine Corp by presenting the 242nd Birthday Ball at Moody Gardens Hotel on November 11, 2017, and deferring some of the costs for young active-duty so that they may attend
Spring Branch Baseball Program, Inc./SpringSpirit Baseball
assistance in expanding the mentoring and social service components of an after-school program that combines academic enrichment, sports, and Christian values to help children in an under-served, low-income area of North Spring Branch
University of St. Thomas
assistance in reducing the financial burden of attending a private college by providing scholarship funding
Casa Esperanza, Inc./dba Hope House of Austin
assistance in improving the quality of life for children and adults with severe intellectual and physical disabilities through the purchase of a passenger van
Ballroom Cultural Arts Foundation/dba Ballroom Marfa
assistance in presenting an exhibition of site-specific sculpture and performance art that includes a one-month artist residency, on-site collaboration with other artists, community engagement through public programs, and outreach to local schools
East Texas Baptist University
assistance in expanding the nursing school, relocating it off-campus to a renovated building with space to triple the capacity for nursing students
Sunshine Haven, Inc.
assistance in providing residential palliative care at the end of life, including pain management, counseling, and family support, at no cost at the Brownsville area’s only residential hospice for terminally ill patients
Wayland Baptist University
assistance in improving STEM education and undergraduate research programs by renovating the circa-1966 Moody Science Building
BIND: Brain Injury Network of Dallas
assistance, over a two-year period, in building capacity to serve more of Dallas’ population of individuals with brain injuries in a day program that builds skills for work and volunteering, provides social interaction, restores purpose, and provides caregiver respite
Ark House Foundation
assistance in providing affordable housing and support services to patients and their families while they are receiving medical care at a Dallas hospital
Camp Aranzazu
assistance in providing a therapeutic and empowering week of summer camp activities to up to 4,000 children with special needs and physical or developmental challenges at the only accredited camp of its kind located along the Texas Gulf Coast
Concho Valley Turning Point
assistance in purchasing a 15-passenger van that will transport individuals in recovery to meetings, classes, support groups and community functions that will aid them in overcoming dysfunction and becoming productive citizens and family members
Church of the Colored People of Gillespie County
assistance in restoring the 1877 wooden church, built for the African-American residents of Fredericksburg and later used by all worshippers, and adding elements that will enable the church to be rented for public events, including restrooms, railings and parking
Soldiers’ Angels
assistance in supplementing service to the military veterans using the Dallas VA Hospital, and providing comfort items, clothing, food and visits to the thousands of veterans, especially those that are homeless
Piney Woods Wildlife Society
assistance with constructing a Kemp’s Ridley turtle sculpture in Menard Park in Galveston to increase awareness of local efforts to save this endangered species of sea turtle
CASA of Galveston County, Inc.
assistance in serving more of the abused and neglected children in Galveston County and serving as their advocate as they find a safe, permanent home, by hiring additional staff to recruit and supervise more volunteers in order to serve 75% of the children in need of advocacy
Galveston County Food Bank
assistance in improving nutrition for more of the 43,000 Galveston County residents living in poverty, through mobile food distribution
Galveston Arts Center, Inc.
assistance in offering cultural programs to visitors and residents through education outreach, gallery programs, events and exhibitions
Galveston Island Day School/Moody Early Childhood Center
assistance in expanding the Moody Early Childhood Center to accommodate more infants, toddlers and preschoolers by adding five classrooms, a second playground, a library and an aftercare room to the campus, and establishing a scholarship fund for low-income parents and special circumstances
Moody Scholars Program
assistance with the 2017 Moody Scholars Program
Project Graduation
assistance in providing a drug-free night of celebration to the Ball High School class of 2017 scheduled for June 1, 2017
Resource and Crisis Center of Galveston County
assistance, over two years, in renovating the historic Guadalupe Church and School into a 58-bed family shelter, an ample client services building and a therapeutic annex for adult and child clients
Rosenberg Library Association
assistance in completing the final phase of a major reconstruction, which will include redesigning and expanding museum spaces, restoring historical architecture, and making the fourth floor more accessible to the disabled
St. Vincent’s Clinic
assistance in providing access to insulin to low-income patients of the clinic in order to improve their ability to work, care for their families and avoid the life-threatening complications of uncontrolled diabetes
St. Vincent’s House
assistance in improving the lives of Galveston’s working poor residents by offering emergency assistance, medical and mental health care, and other needed services, and improving academic and social outcomes for middle school students through after-school enrichment activity
Sea Star Base Galveston
assistance with the operating costs of providing one-day field trips to Galveston students in fifth through eighth grade to encourage their interest in science, their environment and maritime careers
Sunshine Center, Inc.
assistance in improving the safety and security of adults with cognitive disabilities through a capital improvements plan that includes replacing an outdated roof, reinforcing a deteriorating plumbing system, replacing the therapeutic greenhouse and other structural repairs
Transitional Learning Center at Galveston
transfer of 750 shares of American National Insurance Company common stock to assist with future operational and capital expansion plans
Trinity Episcopal Church
assistance in preserving the historic Eaton Hall structure for church and community use by repairing the roof
United Way of Galveston, Inc./Galveston County Recovery Fund
assistance with short term and longer-term needs of those affected by Hurricane Harvey in Galveston County
Upward Hope Academy, Inc.
assistance in providing a high school education that develops character, social and cognitive skills of students who need an alternative to Galveston’s public and private high schools
Yaga’s Children’s Fund
assistance, over a two-year period, in supporting more than 20 Galveston County children’s charities advancing the psychological, intellectual, vocational and physical development of the children and adolescents in the community
Southwestern University
assistance in supporting internships, collaborative work, study-abroad and other high-impact educational experiences, especially for students who often decline such opportunities because they are working
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
assistance in providing Galveston County residents with a pathway out of poverty through the Bridges to Hope program
Christus Foundation for Healthcare
assistance in improving access to mental health and primary care services to homeless and/or uninsured individuals in Galveston County by placing an additional counselor in the Point of Light Clinic in Dickinson
Galveston Bay Foundation
assistance in presenting the 11th annual Bike Around the Bay fundraising event, with proceeds aiding projects to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of Galveston Bay
Goodwill Industries of Houston
assistance with the Veteran Employment Training Services program to re-train, counsel and support veterans in finding careers that enable them to support themselves and their families
Mosaic Family Services, Inc.
assistance in providing culturally competent services, in 31 languages, to victims of violence, including human trafficking and domestic violence
Notre Dame of Dallas Schools, Inc.
assistance, over two years, in preparing developmentally disabled young adults for careers or community service through vocational training
Our Calling, Inc.
assistance in renovating a newly-purchased building in South Dallas to provide food, mentoring, counseling and religious outreach to the area’s most challenging segment of the homeless population, the chronically homeless with a long history of living on the streets
Parkland Foundation
assistance, over three years, in creating the Comprehensive Breast Center at Parkland to provide all Dallas County women with an equal opportunity for breast cancer prevention, detection and treatment
Perot Museum of Nature and Science
assistance in making science, nature and technology education accessible to all in North Texas through engaging, hands-on exhibits and programs at the museum and distance learning, designed to connect learners with scientific concepts and engage them in STEM pursuits
Presbyterian Communities and Services Foundation
assistance in completing the T. Boone Pickens Hospice and Palliative Care Center, and in providing inpatient therapies that are a part of the special programming designed to support patients and their families
PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc./dba AIDS Services of Dallas
assistance in preventing homelessness among one of the most vulnerable populations by operating four apartment complexes in Oak Cliff that house individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS, and providing comprehensive health, nutrition and transportation services
Readers 2 Leaders
assistance in purchasing a literature-based guided reading program for use in after-school, in-school and summer camp settings to help children build on their current reading skills, prevent summer learning loss and expand vocabulary and enjoyment of books
St. Philip’s School & Community Center
assistance, over a two-year period, in providing after-school enrichment to children of the central south Dallas neighborhood, whether or not they attend St. Philip’s School, enabling them to receive tutoring, homework support and instruction in extracurricular activities
St. Simons After-School
assistance in providing free after-school care, homework help and remedial reading instruction on-site at low-performing Dallas ISD elementary schools
Salesmanship Club Youth and Family Centers, Inc./dba Momentous Institute
assistance in training staff at high-risk elementary schools throughout North Texas to use the proven strategies developed and implemented at the Momentous Institute to improve the social-emotional health of students so they can achieve academic and lifelong success
Southern Methodist University
assistance with renovation of the Owens Art Center and academic research in the Simmons School of Education and Human Development
Texas Discovery Gardens
assistance in expanding opportunities for children’s environmental education by constructing a natural playscape, adding outdoor learning stations and supplementing the Earthkeepers Scholarship Fund to reduce admission costs for low-income schools and families
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children
assistance, over two years, in expanding the availability of a successful intervention, Take Flight, by developing a virtual dyslexia therapist that a classroom teacher may use as part of daily instruction in reading
It’s A Sensory World
assistance in enabling children with autism, Down Syndrome or communication and sensory processing disorders to develop to their full potential using technology, play and therapy in individualized lesson plans for students ages 2-14
Alcohol Drug Abuse Women’s Center, Inc.
assistance in extending the continuum of care by filming an informative video for clients, their families and the public, creating a new position of Aftercare Case Manager, and retiring the debt on the center’s 15-passenger van
Children’s Center, Inc.
assistance in addressing a statewide crisis in foster care by creating emergency shelter space for an additional 16 boys and 16 girls, and providing the residents with trauma-informed care, on-site education and counseling to prepare them for permanent placement
Communities in Schools of Galveston County
assistance with providing one-on-one case management to at-risk students, aimed at preventing school dropout by identifying an individual student’s stumbling blocks and developing solutions
Congregation B’nai Israel
assistance in completing necessary repairs and renovation to bring the 63-year old facility up to current standards
Family Service Center
assistance with the Trauma Informed Care Initiative, a prevention and intervention program of parent education and treatment to reduce the impact of childhood traumas
Buckner Children and Family Services
assistance, over a two-year period, in developing a new pilot program that will better prepare young women transitioning from foster care to independent adult living by providing a long-term support system that includes goal setting, mentoring, educational assistance and vocational training
Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Texas
assistance with establishing the Robert L. Moody, Sr. Fellowship and Faculty Scholar Program
assistance in offering a housing-first approach to 50 chronically homeless Dallas County residents who have experienced both severe mental illness and the criminal justice system, providing them with intensive behavioral health and social services to improve their lives at a much lower cost to the city and county than incarceration
Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer
assistance in enabling families with a terminally ill child to create lasting memories in the child’s final days by purchasing needed items, improving the quality of family life, fulfilling a last wish or providing aid so that parents can spend more time with their child
Crystal Charity Ball
assistance in supporting eight charities in Dallas County that are concerned with the needs of children, enabling the groups to provide innovative services in health, education, arts, and social welfare and expand their capacity
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Northeast Texas Chapter
assistance in providing life-extending pediatric care at Children’s Medical Center and conducting clinical trials at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
assistance, over three years, in stabilizing Dallas neighborhoods and families by providing low-income residents who are potential homeowners with the financial literacy, homebuying education and financial documentation needed to purchase and maintain a home
Dallas CASA
Assistance in endowing two volunteer coordinator positions each year into the future
Dallas Center for the Performing Arts Foundation/AT&T Performing Arts Center
assistance with the capital campaign and with establishing a perment endowment fund
Dallas Foundation/Zero to Five Funders’ Collaborative
assistance in completing funding to install modular buildings and landscaping comprising the Bachman Lake Together Family Center
Dallas Holocaust Museum
assistance in constructing a larger museum to accommodate increasing attendance by visitors of all ages and include a unique “Pivot to America” wing to relate American perspectives on intolerance to the country’s founding documents, ideals and historic figures
Dallas Theater Center
assistance in presenting the world premiere of “The Trials of Sam Houston,” and to develop educational programming to accompany the production
DME Exchange of Dallas
assistance in raising awareness of the state’s only medical salvage company in order to recruit more volunteers and generate more donations of used equipment
Family Gateway, Inc.
assistance in expanding case management, intake and support services for families in crisis
Food Foundation/dba Hunger Busters
assistance with the purchase of a delivery van so that the program can deliver a nutritious evening meal to more high-need schools and after-school programs
Healing Hands Ministries
assistance in providing pediatric medical, dental and behavioral health care to children living at or near the poverty level in northeast Dallas, offering both primary care and preventive treatment to reduce the rates of diabetes, asthma and obesity among children
Housing Crisis Center, Inc.
assistance in aiding military veterans who are either chronically homeless or experiencing a rare episode of homelessness, by offering supportive services, scattered-site housing and financial coaching to increase each client’s ability to afford adequate housing
Jubilee Park & Community Center
assistance, over a three-year period, in expanding the Out of School Time programming to serve 400 low-income students per year, adding a component for children with specialized academic needs such as dyslexia, autism and community disorders
Junior League of Dallas, Inc.
assistance, over two years, in expanding the “Kids in the Kitchen” program of hands-on nutrition education, fitness activities, and family involvement that teaches children in grades K-5 to make healthier choices
Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance
assistance with the Flex Fund, a rapid-response source of emergency funds for apartment or utility deposits, furniture, transportation and other needs in order to make homelessness as brief and nonrecurring as possible
HACA Scholarship Foundation, Inc./dba Austin Pathways
assistance in providing specialized social services to senior citizens living in public housing by creating a Service Coordinator position to reduce seniors’ isolation and connect more seniors with needed services such as transportation, nutrition, housekeeping and counseling