All over Texas, We're Here to Help.

The Moody Foundation strengthens the future of Texas by investing in charitable projects that exhibit innovative ideas and make long-term improvement in our communities. Learn more about our grantees and the amazing work they are doing.

Moody Foundation Grant Categories

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Communities & Social Services
  • Education
  • Health
  • Science
  • M-Pact
Blanton Patio grounds

Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County/dba Integral Care

Austin, Texas

assistance in developing an apartment complex in the Oak Springs area of east Austin to integrate housing, health care, education and community support into one comprehensive solution to homelessness and its contributing factors

Pease Park Conservancy

Austin, Texas

assistance, over a three-year period, in completing the first phase of transforming Austin’s most centrally-located park, renovating the southern six acres while retaining and protecting the tree canopy and the park’s atmosphere

People’s Community Clinic

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing quality health care to medically underserved and uninsured residents of Central Texas at a new clinic in northeast Austin, a center for women’s health, and four partner sites serving the area’s most vulnerable children, youth and women

Project Normalization Open Door Preschool

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing preschool children with a high level of language-developing social interaction by augmenting the instructional staff with literacy specialists and “foster grandparent” aides who are able to give individual attention to children in need

Project Transitions, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing recuperative care in a residential setting to homeless and low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS, helping them to regain their health, establish better medical adherence, and move to permanent housing

The SAFE Alliance/Austin Children’s Shelter

Austin, Texas

assistance in preventing homelessness and lifelong poverty among former foster children by providing young adults with case management, counseling and transition services to give them the opportunity to develop life skills for adult living after foster care ends at age 18

The Salvation Army

Austin, Texas

assistance in completing the second phase of building new facilities to house homeless women and children, creating 23 transitional living units where families can stay for 6-8 months while stabilizing and improving their potential for self-sufficiency

Settlement Club/dba The Settlement Home

Austin, Texas

assistance in keeping staff levels adequate to meet the needs of children and youth living in the Residential Treatment Center

Special Olympics Texas, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing year-round training and athletic competition in individual and team sports

Texas Department of Transportation/Keep Texas Beautiful

Austin, Texas

assistance in creating awareness of environmental issues and rewarding student action through the Don’t Mess with Texas scholarship program

Texas Language Learning Alternatives, Inc./dba Capitol School of Austin

Austin, Texas

assistance in increasing energy efficiency and reducing student distractions by replacing classroom windows with new and better sealed windows

Trinity Center

Austin, Texas

assistance, over a three-year period, in providing the individualized case management essential for enabling homeless men and women to secure housing and related support services

Vincare Services of Austin Foundation/dba Saint Louise House

Austin, Texas

assistance in expanding a pilot program of two-generation support for homeless children and teens that involved them in extra-curricular activities, provided parent coaching and prepared families to re-enter a new, more stable living situation beyond homelessness

Zachary Scott Theater

Austin, Texas

assistance, over two years, in supporting the expanded orchestration of mainstage productions, access to ZACH’s school productions for low-income students and teacher training

CASA for Kids of South Central Texas

Brenham, Texas

assistance in purchasing an office that will better house staff and volunteers, doubling the amount of available space in order to accommodate the growing need for advocates to speak up for children who have been abused or neglected, and provide a place for community education

Brownsville Society for Crippled Children, Inc./dba Moody Clinic

Brownsville, Texas

assistance, over three years, in providing speech/language, physical and occupation therapy to children with disabilities, developmental delays and acquired injuries to help them reach their potential academically and socially regardless of their family’s income

Operation Kindness of Garland

Carrollton, Texas

assistance in saving the lives of cats and dogs at North Texas’ largest no-kill animal shelter through two programs aimed at providing medical care for stray and surrendered animals and foster care for animals that are not candidates for immediate adoption

Attitudes & Attire

Dallas, Texas

assistance in improving the employment opportunities, self-confidence and health outcomes for women who have sustained dental damage due to abuse, illness, poverty or other trauma through the Hopeful Smiles Program

Big Thought

Dallas, Texas

assistance in preventing summer learning loss, a significant reason why low-income children fall behind their peers, through support of the second year of a public-private citywide collaborative to offer quality learning activities at accessible locations

Martha’s Home

Amarillo, Texas

assistance in providing homeless women with stable temporary housing, case management, mentoring, and access to job-skill training in small, homelike residences that prepare them for permanent housing

New Hope Equine Assisted Therapy

Argyle, Texas

assistance in continuing to provide therapeutic horseback riding to children and adults without the resources to pay, keeping the proven therapy accessible to individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury and other conditions

Ranch Hands Rescue

Argyle, Texas

assistance in providing mental health counseling, including Equine/Animal-Assisted Counseling, to children and adults who have suffered complex trauma such as child abuse, violent crime or family tragedies

Ann Richards School

Austin, Texas

assistance in improving educational access for young women with limited resources through the To and Through College Program, to improve students’ abilities to successfully apply to college and remain in school

Any Baby Can of Austin, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance, over two years, in expanding the Healthy and Fair Start program to reach more infants and toddlers in need of early childhood intervention that will reduce child abuse, improve school readiness and stabilize vulnerable families through Parents as Teachers education and support

Arc of the Capital Area

Austin, Texas

assistance in disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities through the Juvenile Justice Services Program to keep students from committing or re-committing expellable offenses

Austin Child Guidance Center

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing quality mental health care to uninsured and underinsured children and families so that they are able to succeed in school and family life

Austin Community Foundation for the Capital Area

Austin, Texas

assistance with matching donations to Austin Gives Miles and their (30) beneficiary groups on February 18, 2018

Austin Diaper Bank

Austin, Texas

assistance in building capacity to serve more of the infants and elderly whose families struggle to afford diapers, providing basic sanitary needs to clients of more than 40 partner agencies working with homeless, low-income, foster care, disabled or other individuals

Austin Film Society

Austin, Texas

assistance in presenting the 2017 Texas Film Awards on March 9, 2017, recognizing the outstanding contributions of Texans in all facets of film production, including writing, acting and directing, and raising funds for year-round community and youth programs

Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival

Austin, Texas

assistance in presenting the thirtieth annual Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival and related year-round programming to foster community involvement across gender, generational and other demographic categories and provide opportunities for young filmmakers

Austin Groups for the Elderly

Austin, Texas

assistance, over two years, in expanding the Memory Connections program for individuals with early-stage dementia by adding a sixth site where affected adults and their families receive education, support and social interaction to improve mental and physical health and quality of life

Austin Habitat for Humanity, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in alleviating Austin’s shortage of affordable housing and promoting neighborhood stability and economic advancement by building new homes in partnership with their future owners in order to improve marginal neighborhoods and provide a healthy new start for families

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in reducing the delays in matching children in need of a long-term adult mentor with a carefully-selected volunteer, through the “Lose the Wait” initiative that will increase organizational capacity by hiring an additional enrollment specialist

Breakthrough Central Texas

Austin, Texas

assistance in mentoring, advising and encouraging students without a family history of college attendance to stay focused on their studies, develop academic and social skills needed for higher education, and access financial resources for college

CASA of Travis County, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in improving the educational outcomes and life success of abused and neglected children in foster care by training CASA volunteer advocates to navigate the educational system, especially special education

Center for Child Protection

Austin, Texas

assistance in promoting healing and reducing trauma for Travis County children who have been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, neglect or were witnesses to a violent crime, through a new model of experiential therapy involving yoga, music, art and active challenges

Communities in Schools of Central Texas, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in preparing at-risk boys for academic success, avoiding risky behavior, and graduating from high school through the XY-Zone program

Contemporary Austin Museum, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance with adding the Moody Pavilions to the Laguna Gloria outdoor sculpture park

El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission

Austin, Texas

assistance in increasing the number of low-income Austin residents eating nutritious healthy meals and learning to cook on a Budget through a two-to-one match for donations to the Hands for Hope campaign

Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana, Inc.

Stafford, Texas

assistance in creating meaningful family time for children with a life-threatening medical condition, providing them with an opportunity to travel, meet someone they admire, purchase a wanted item or have a memorable experience.

CASA of Galveston County, Inc.

Texas City, Texas

assistance in providing children in Child Protective Services custody with a Court Appointed Special Advocate who will serve as the child’s voice in court and present recommendations based solely on the best interest of the child in cases of abuse or neglect

Gleanings From the Harvest for Galveston/dba Galveston County Food Bank

Texas City, Texas

assistance in economically distributing nutritious food to more of the 53,000 residents of Galveston County who face food insecurity by purchasing a mobile food tractor/trailer that can travel to high-need areas of the county for regularly-scheduled food deliveries

Dive Pirates

The Woodlands, Texas

assistance in providing training, equipment and supervision to disabled individuals with an interest in scuba diving, enabling them to take part in an activity with non-disabled peers that improves their physical conditioning and mental outlook


Wylie, Texas

assistance in ensuring that children, adults and veterans are able to access equine therapy regardless of financial difficulties, through the Subsidy and Scholarship program, which absorbs the majority of costs for many clients and 100% of the costs for veterans and participants in a Dallas Police Department youth outreach

The Salvation Army-Galveston

Galveston, Texas

assistance, over a two-year period, in meeting the needs of Galveston County residents in times of economic hardship and emergencies with a lead gift for construction of a social service and community center in Texas City, establishing a sustainability endowment for the Galveston Center of Hope, and purchasing property near the Galveston building for future expansion

Resource and Crisis Center of Galveston County

Galveston, Texas

assistance in improving recovery time from domestic abuse or sexual assault through support of the Victim Services Program, which provides legal, therapeutic, residential and other services to women, men and children who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault

Ronald McDonald House of Galveston

Galveston, Texas

assistance in providing families staying at the Ronald McDonald house with more opportunities for recreation, education and shopping by purchasing a 15-passenger van for outings, field trips and other transportation needs while a child is a patient at UTMB or Shriners Burns hospitals

St. Vincent’s House

Galveston, Texas

assistance in updating technology and flood proofing the building that houses comprehensive services for Galveston’s working poor and indigent families and individuals, and in providing emergency funds to prevent homelessness in times of financial crisis

United Ministry to the port of Galveston/Galveston Seafarer’s Center

Galveston, Texas

assistance in purchasing a van that will be used to transport seafarers from ships docked at the Port of Galveston to the Seafarer’s Center for recreation, worship, counseling and telephoning home, or to other points in the city for shopping or appointments

The University of Texas Medical Branch

Galveston, Texas

assistance, over a five-year period, in providing training in empathy, communication skills and conflict management to medical and nursing residents in order to integrate diverse professional perspectives into communicating with patients and responding to critical situations

Moody Early Childhood Center

Galveston, Texas

provide operational and capital assistance, over a five-year period, in preparing at-risk children from birth to pre-kindergarten for academic success by developing a comprehensive, affordable, high quality day school for infants and toddlers that will co-locate early childhood learning with the Galveston Independent School District’s existing program for 3-year olds to improve education for, reduce costs of, and offer family support services to the 70% of Galveston children who are disadvantaged

Galaxy Counseling Center

Garland, Texas

assistance in providing psychological support and therapy to adult and child victims of sexual abuse and sexual assault, enabling them to heal, develop coping skills and stabilize their relationships with family members and the community to mitigate long-term effects such as depression, drug abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, Inc.

Glen Rose, Texas

assistance in expanding the educational outreach of the Wolf Ridge Conservation Education Center by renovating its Activity Barn, the primary site of indoor group activities, by adding air conditioning, restrooms, a food preparation kitchen and additional classroom space

Hitchcock Independent School District

Hitchcock, Texas

assistance in increasing academic achievement, student engagement and college and career readiness by purchasing new technology, including electronic whiteboards, interactive software and Chromebook computers for use at Crosby Middle School

Assistance League of the Bay Area

Houston, Texas

assistance in providing low-income students in the Bay Area, including Galveston, League City, Texas City and Dickinson, with school clothing that enables them to begin the school year ready to learn, with fewer absences and distractions from learning

Friday Harbour

Houston, Texas

assistance in providing short-term, short-notice housing for cancer patients at Texas Medical Center hospitals who have been unexpectedly detained due to treatments or the need for follow-up care, aiding their recovery by reducing stress and exhaustion

Houston Ground Angels

Houston, Texas

assistance in providing transportation for more of the 96,000 cancer patients who fly to Houston each year for treatment by purchasing a passenger van to augment the current system of using volunteers’ personal cars to transport patients from airport to hospital

Kinkaid School, Inc.

Houston, Texas

assistance in meeting the needs of a diverse group of students through a one-year pilot project to place an academic support manager on campus to guide students in finding organizational, study and time management skills that best fit their individual learning styles

Lone Survivor Foundation

Houston, Texas

assistance in providing therapy to wounded veterans that improves their reintegration into civilian life by constructing a covered equestrian arena at the lone Survivor Retreat Center on Bolivar Peninsula, ensuring that bad weather will not interrupt the 5-day therapy program

National Society to Prevent Blindness/Prevent Blindness Texas

Houston, Texas

assistance in improving eye health and reducing the number of undiagnosed vision deficiencies among adults in southeast Texas through the “Healthy Eyes” program, which trains volunteers to conduct vision screenings at community sites reaching low-income individuals

Brighter Tomorrows, Inc.

Irving, Texas

assistance in breaking the cycle of domestic violence by providing southwest Dallas County children who have experienced domestic violence with counseling and education that helps them deal with their situation and emotions in healthy, positive ways

Vannie E. Cook Jr. Cancer Foundation, Inc.

McAllen, Texas

assistance in providing treatment for cancer and blood diseases to children in the Rio Grande Valley, regardless of the family’s ability to pay, at the Valley’s only facility specializing in pediatric oncology and hematology

Chris Kyle Frog Foundation

Midlothian, Texas

assistance, over a two-year period, in improving the mental health of military veterans and first responders by offering “Mastering Your Marriage” retreats in Houston and Dallas aimed at reducing service-related stress and improving communication, self-care and conflict resolution skills

Camp Aranzazu, Inc.

Rockport, Texas

assistance in providing physically and/or developmentally challenged children and adults with a barrier-free residential camp experience that fosters independence, builds social skills, improves their health and enhances overall functioning

St. Mary’s University

San Antonio, Texas

assistance in preparing law students to meet the needs of military veterans by establishing the Moody Endowed Fund for Veterans Law Fellows, encouraging study and pro bono work to guide veterans through administrative or civil matters in housing, employment and education

Shelter Ministries of Dallas/Genesis Women’s Shelter

Dallas, Texas

assistance, over a two-year period, in breaking the cycle of domestic violence through support of two therapist positions offering counseling, post-trauma therapy and bibliotherapy to children whose mothers have fled domestic abuse, and in purchasing new mattresses for the shelter

SPCA of Texas

Dallas, Texas

assistance in increasing the adoption rate at the SPCA facility in McKinney by improving the cat, dog and puppy areas near the adoption floor to help curb the spread of disease and keep the animals in adoptable condition, and installing upgraded livestock barn drainage

Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas

Dallas, Texas

assistance in preventing teen suicide through the “Teens Can Survive” program of confidential computer-based mental health screenings for teens 13-18, and suicide awareness training for school personnel, parents and students so they can identify signs of suicide early

Teach For America, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in expanding the Teach For America-DFW Summer Institute, developing an Instructional Coach program to support new teachers and accelerating alumni leadership to advance Teach For America methodology at the principal, dean and departmental levels

Texprotects-The Texas Association for the Protection of Children

Dallas, Texas

assistance, over a two-year period, in reducing child abuse and improving school readiness in at-risk children by advocating for two programs, Dallas-HOPES and the Nurse-Family Partnership

Woodall Rogers Park Foundation/dba Klyde Warren Park

Dallas, Texas

assistance in continuing to provide cultural and recreational programing for children, families and adults

Youth Village Resources of Dallas, Inc./dba Youth With Faces

Dallas, Texas

assistance in helping Dallas County youth in the juvenile justice system to reach their full potential by providing educational, vocational and life skills training at Dallas County Youth Village, Medlock Youth Treatment Center and Letot Girls’ Center

A Wish With Wings

Fort Worth, Texas

assistance in fulfilling a special request for Texas children with life-threatening conditions, enabling their families to experience a bond-strengthening respite from medical concerns

Galloway School

Friendswood, Texas

assistance in renovating the school library into a “learning hub” that integrates printed and digital resources in a common space that will encourage exploration, creativity and collaboration among students, teachers and the community

Communities In Schools Galveston County

Galveston, Texas

assistance in improving the graduation rate in Galveston and Texas City by expanding the availability of mentoring, tutoring, case management, counseling and support to at-risk students and their families in order to break the cycle of poverty though education

Galveston Chamber Partnership, Inc.

Galveston, Texas

assistance with the 2017 “Celebrating Women: Mind, Body and Spirit” Conference, and support of community endeavors to benefit children and youth and enhance Chamber efforts to improve Galveston through education and charity

City of Galveston Police Department

Galveston, Texas

assistance in investigating and prosecuting crimes, especially crimes against children, by purchasing additional equipment, software and training to expand the capabilities of the Computer Forensics Lab

Galveston Diaper Bank

Galveston, Texas

assistance in enabling working-poor families to remain in the workforce by removing one of the major barriers for families with young children, the cost of diapers required in order to enroll an infant or toddler in day care

Galveston Historical Foundation

Galveston, Texas

Assistance with capital support and programming to develop a hub location for all historic properties

Galveston Independent School District Educational Foundation, Inc.

Galveston, Texas

assistance, over two years, in providing funding to teachers and schools for innovative programs that support district goals while offering students and teachers the opportunity to develop an individualized approach to the curriculum and enhance the academic experience for GISD students

Galveston Urban Ministries

Galveston, Texas

assistance in improving the academic, employment and housing opportunities in one of Galveston’s poorest neighborhoods through programs for children and adults, including after-school tutoring and mentoring, employment education classes, and revenue-generating recycling

Grace Episcopal Church

Galveston, Texas

assistance in renovating the bell tower of the historic church building, designed by iconic Galveston architect Nicholas Clayton, to prevent further damage and deterioration and protect those who worship or attend community functions from the risks of an unstable tower

Gulf Coast Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Inc.

Galveston, Texas

assistance in reducing dropout rates, improving school performance and self-confidence, and closing the opportunity gap for at-risk Galveston County children and youth through a proven program of one-to-one mentoring, now offered in workplace, at-school and community-based options to better involve more participants

Lutheran Music Academy of Galveston Island, Inc.

Galveston, Texas

assistance, over three years, in providing after-school and summer music and fine arts instruction to Galveston children in elementary and middle school, including scholarship funding for those who cannot pay the full tuition

Moody Scholars Program

Galveston, Texas

support of the Moody Scholars Program, which awards financial assistance to graduating seniors from 18 high schools in Galveston County, Austin and Dallas who demonstrate financial need and academic promise, and the Moody Honors Scholars Program, based entirely on merit

Crystal Charity Ball

Dallas, Texas

assistance in supporting seven children’s charities meeting critical needs in Dallas County as they provide health, education and social services that will improve the lives of ill, homeless, traumatized, abandoned and under-served segments of the population

Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board/dba Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas

Dallas, Texas

assistance in energizing and mobilizing the Dallas business community to address early childhood education and advocate for policies and practices that will improve early learning, through a two-day summit on the economic impact of early childhood education

Dallas Foundation/Family Wellness Dallas!

Dallas, Texas

assistance in presenting a specialized version of a Dallas-wide communications-oriented relationship workshop, specifically tailored to first responders and their families, with an emphasis on healing the effects of the mass shooting of five Dallas police officers

Dallas Methodist Hospitals Foundation

Dallas, Texas

assistance in operating the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program in southern Dallas County, providing the area with its only rape crisis counseling and advocacy service at Methodist Dallas’ new Charles A. Sammons Tower emergency and trauma center

Dallas SPARK

Dallas, Texas

assistance in providing children with summer day camp experiences aimed at stimulating their creativity though a variety of art instruction and instilling confidence in their creative abilities so that they will return to school with improved problem-solving skills

Dallas Summer Musicals, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in presenting a special daytime musical theatre performance to 3,400 North Texas students and educators, providing them with free access to professional theater to expand their cultural understanding and stimulate their interest in the performing arts

Dwell With Dignity Foundation, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in reinforcing the lessons of self-sufficiency among formerly homeless families and individuals by furnishing their new homes with the help of volunteer professional interior designers creating attractive, functional spaces that are organized and uplifting

Foundation for the Education of Young Women/Young Women’s Preparatory Network

Dallas, Texas

assistance in improving college readiness, workforce readiness, summer enrichment opportunities and STEM awareness at Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School, a public secondary school for girls in the Fair Park area

Friends of Wednesday’s Child

Dallas, Texas

assistance in expanding the Success In School program to enable more children in foster care to stay at grade level, participate in extracurricular activities, improve their attendance and behavior, with objective of completing high school with skills for self-sufficiency

Highland Park ISD Educational Foundation

Dallas, Texas

assistance, over a five-year period, in preparing students for the careers of the future through the development of the moody Innovation Institute for foster Science, Technology, engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) skills in grades K-12 and engage high school students in problem-solving, mentoring and internships through the Moody Advanced professional Learning Center

Hope Cottage, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in providing prenatal care to women during unplanned, crisis pregnancies though the Healthy Mother/Healthy Baby program, preventing low birth weight and the resulting health risks and aiding young mothers in making a plan for themselves and their baby

Interfaith Family Services

Dallas, Texas

assistance in tripling the number of working-poor North Texas families diverted from homelessness through support of the new Family Empowerment Center, combining career coaching, financial education, child care and youth services to permanently lift families out of poverty

Legacy Counseling Center

Dallas, Texas

assistance in providing mental health services to low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS, improving their health by offering counseling, behavioral therapy, substance abuse treatment, housing and housing referrals, and hospice care, with many services in Spanish

LIFT-Literacy Instruction for Texas

Dallas, Texas

assistance in closing the education gap for adults with low levels of literacy through the development of a new curriculum that integrates literacy learning, English as a Second Language, and high school equivalency preparation into an interactive, coordinated program, and developing a client management system to analyze student progress

Mi Escuelita Preschool, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in providing quality early childhood education to children whose native language is not English by enabling more preschool teachers to obtain college degrees, a requirement for expanding partnerships with charter schools and Head Start programs