All over Texas, We're Here to Help.

The Moody Foundation strengthens the future of Texas by investing in charitable projects that exhibit innovative ideas and make long-term improvement in our communities. Learn more about our grantees and the amazing work they are doing.

Moody Foundation Grant Categories

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Communities & Social Services
  • Education
  • Health
  • Science
  • M-Pact
Blanton Patio grounds

North Texas Food Bank

Dallas, Texas

assistance, over a four-year period, in expanding operations and better serving the hungry by constructing a new distribution center, renovating newly-acquired headquarters to house a community room and demonstration kitchen, and establishing new pantries

Perot Museum of Nature and Science

Dallas, Texas

assistance in making science, nature and technology education accessible to all in North Texas through engaging, hands-on exhibits and programs at the museum and distance learning

Readers 2 Leaders

Dallas, Texas

assistance in closing the reading gap experienced by disadvantaged elementary students so that they can read and learn at grade level, by providing intensive in-school and after-school tutoring with professionally-trained volunteers devoted to West Dallas

Reasoning Mind, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in expanding a proven mathematics literacy program to pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade as part of the “Texas Mission to M.A.R.S.” (Making Algebra-Ready Students) curriculum to prepare students for the algebra training they need for S.T.E.M. careers

Resource Center of Dallas, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in better meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Dallas Metroplex through the construction of a new community center that will centralize counseling, youth programs, and social services and expand social services and programming

Special Olympics Texas, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing year-round sports training and athletic competition to more than 55,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities, improving their health, self-esteem and ability to be employed and involved in the community

Sustainable Food Center

Austin, Texas

assistance in improving the health and nutrition of children in Austin public schools through the “Sprouting Healthy Kids” program of school gardens, cooking classes, school-farmer partnerships, field trips and summer camps to introduce children to fresh, healthy food

Trinity Center

Austin, Texas

assistance in reducing homelessness in downtown Austin through case management services and financial assistance that enables clients to obtain necessary identification cards, birth certificates and bus passes to aid individuals in accessing health care and other services

University of Texas at Austin/Blanton Museum of Art

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing community access to the museum through the Free Thursdays program, which offers admission and special activities at no charge, and in purchasing and installing “Siphonophora,” a large-scale handing sculpture, in a prominent place in the museum atrium

Waller Creek Conservancy

Austin, Texas

assistance, over a three-year period, in transforming Waller Creek into a 1.5-mile long urban park district, anchored by the Moody Amphitheater in Waterloo Park, that will connect important Austin destinations through pedestrian and bike linkages, protect green space in a highly populated corridor, and create a destination for the community and visitors

Lighthouse Christian Ministries

Bacliff, Texas

assistance in providing affordable dental care to low-income, uninsured residents of Bacliff, Bayview, San Leon, Kemah and surrounding areas in Galveston County, using the services of volunteer dentists to improve the health and employability of patients in need

Humane Society of Southeast Texas

Beaumont, Texas

assistance in reducing the number of stray animals in Southeast Texas, and their hazards to public health, by including a high-volume spay/neuter in the new facility, and extend spay-neuter services to low-income and poverty-level individuals

Texas Family Musicals

Bedford, Texas

assistance in producing three musicals at the Moody Gardens Convention Center in the summer of 2016, modeled on the shows presented by the Lone Star Performing Arts Association for decades, using college-student performers who gain valuable experience while providing Galveston with another tourism activity throughout the summer

Advocates For Camp Able

Buffalo Gap, Texas

assistance in improving the self-sufficiency of children and military veterans with special needs through an all-volunteer program of equine therapy, using rescued horses, that reduces anxiety and improves physical and cognitive function while saving the lives of abused animals

Aberg Center for Literacy

Dallas, Texas

assistance in improving school readiness and lifting families out of poverty through a multigenerational family literacy program that aids parents in achieving literacy and English fluency so that they can provide their children at-home academic support

AIDS Interfaith Network, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

assistance in eliminating one of the biggest barriers to medical care faced by low-income patients through a transportation program to provide bus passes to clients living within the Dallas Area Rapid Transit district, enabling access to treatment, care and related services

Alley’s House

Dallas, Texas

assistance in enabling teenage mothers to break the cycle of poverty and achieve academic success, personal growth and financial stability through the Pathways to Independence program

American Cancer Society, Inc./Texas Division/Dallas Metro Unit

Dallas, Texas

assistance in providing children who have cancer, and their families, with a special outing to the circus in order to provide families with a no-cost respite from treatment

American Cancer Society, Inc./Texas Division/Dallas Metro Unit

Dallas, Texas

support of the 2017 Junior Cattle Baron’s Ball, an annual even held for pediatric cancer patients and their families, offering them an afternoon of “Disney on Ice”

American Red Cross-Dallas Area Chapter

Dallas, Texas

assistance with the purchase of a new mobile blood donation unit that will help to reduce the area’s reliance on blood from elsewhere and diversify the donor base so that all blood types are available when needed

Baylor Health Care System Foundation

Dallas, Texas

assistance in constructing Hope Lodge to house cancer patients receiving outpatient treatment at UT Southwestern, Baylor University Medical Center and other Dallas care providers, making it possible for more people to access the best care available and participate in research trials that advance treatment for all

Big Thought

Dallas, Texas

assistance in advancing educational goals throughout Dallas through the Dallas Summer Solution, a collaboration of libraries, museums, science centers and other community programs aimed at eliminating education disparities by providing at-risk children with access to a wide range of learning enrichment activities to prevent summer learning loss

Bridge Steps

Dallas, Texas

assistance in leveraging state funding for treating long-term homelessness in conjunction with mental illness through an intensive-care approach linking medical, pharmacy, Social Security and diagnostic resources to reduce hospitalization and incarceration, and in renovating the shelter’s kennel to remove a frequent barrier to seeking treatment

Café Momentum

Dallas, Texas

assistance in breaking the cycle of poverty and crime among juvenile offenders in Dallas County through a year-long training program that offers paid internships to recently-released juvenile offenders where they receive culinary training, life skills and mentoring that enables them to become stable, self-sufficient adults

Ann Richards School Foundation

Austin, Texas

assistance in preparing female students, beginning in sixth grade, for success in college by preparing them thoroughly through campus visits, dual-credit classes, test preparation courses and in-college support, reducing barriers for first-generation college students

Any Baby Can of Austin, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in filling a budget gap caused by state cuts to Medicaid that drastically affect the Healthy and Fair Start program, a home-based parenting education model aimed at reducing remedial education by addressing developmental delays and encouraging parent participation

Austin Community Foundation for the Capital Area/Park 35 Project

Austin, Texas

assistance in implementing a public education campaign on the potential impact on congestion, mobility, tourism, and downtown development, of lowering a section of Interstate 35 and creating a deck park above it that will bridge east and west sides of Austin, add to the area’s green space, and serve as a public amenity for the downtown area

Austin Community Foundation for the Capital Area/Austin Gives Miles

Austin, Texas

assistance with matching donations to Austin Gives Miles and their 27 beneficiary groups

Austin Film Society

Austin, Texas

assistance in presenting the 2016 Texas Film Awards on March 10, 2016, recognizing the outstanding contributions of Texans in all facets of film production, including writing, acting, and directing, and raising funds for year-round community and youth programs

Austin Parks Foundation

Austin, Texas

assistance in redeveloping Republic Square Park in downtown Austin to provide more amenities to downtown residents and visitors, including a stage, a circular promenade, public restrooms, and areas for a farmers’ market, food vendors and activities for adults and children

Austin YMBL Sunshine Camp

Austin, Texas

assistance in offering afterschool tutoring, mentoring and recreation to middle school students from high poverty Austin school, with an emphasis on math concepts and STEM learning in order to improve grades and prevent future dropouts

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing children facing adversity and living in single-parent or parentless homes with a caring mentor who can influence their lives in positive ways that lead to better social behavior and healthy life choices


Austin, Texas

assistance in preparing low-income children for academic success through the ReadWell early childhood literacy program, which partners with pediatric clinics to provide infants and toddlers with books that will enhance their language and literacy skills

Boys and Girls Club of Austin and Travis County, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance, over a two-year period, in breaking the cycle of poverty for more of the 67,000 economically-disadvantaged youth in Travis County by constructing the Legacy Center to provide youth ages 6-18 with a safe, healthy hangout

The Care Communities

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing compassionate non-medical care and support services to Central Texans diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses, helping individuals and families cope with the stresses of cancer, HIV/AIDS and other conditions so they can focus on treatment

Catholic Charities of Central Austin

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing low-cost mental health counseling to low-income residents of 25 counties in Central Texas, with a special emphasis on children, restoring their resilience and improving their ability to function at school and at home

Center for Child Protection

Austin, Texas

assistance in providing counseling and advocacy services to more Travis County children who have been the victim of physical or sexual abuse or who have witnessed a violent crime, by expanding the Family Advocate Program

Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Central Texas/dba Dell Children’s Medical Center Foundation

Austin, Texas

assistance in extending Camp In Motion, a therapeutic summer camp for children and young adults with mobility impairments, to include additional sports activities throughout the year, and to include more participants during the summer sessions in 2017

The Comfort Crew for Military Families

Austin, Texas

assistance in reducing stress and anxiety among elementary age children with a parent deployed in military service by distributing age-appropriate materials to increase their coping skills and resilience, with follow-up materials to help adjust to the parent’s return

El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission

Austin, Texas

assistance in meeting more of the need for hunger-fighting food assistance for families through the Hands for Hope fundraising and food donation drive in Austin’s Episcopal churches and schools

Gaining Academic Progress Pre-K and K Learning Center

Austin, Texas

assistance in closing the learning gap faced by low-income minority students by establishing a full-day, bilingual preschool in East Austin that combines core learning concepts for school readiness with enriching experiences in the community

Manos de Cristo, Inc.

Austin, Texas

assistance in improving the health of unemployed and underemployed Central Texas residents by providing dental services that include restoration procedures, preventive care, emergency extractions and referrals for more complex treatment, at affordable fee levels

Pease Park Conservancy

Austin, Texas

assistance with design development and pre-construction work for the adaptive re-purposing of Pease Park’s iconic Tudor Cottage, creating a new gathering space and a nearby picnic/restroom area, Kingsbury Pavilion, as part of the park’s approved master plan

Project Normalization Open Door Preschool

Austin, Texas

assistance in preparing preschool children challenged by poverty, disabilities and family circumstances by providing personnel for two programs: literacy specialists who promote pre-literacy and early reading skills, and Foster Grandparents who provide the children with individual attention, encouragement and stability