Education M-Pact Fund

Fueling student success in areas of deepest impact and greatest need.


The Moody Foundation’s Education M-Pact Fund is an annual grantmaking process and a key component of the Foundation’s historic commitment of $1 billion for Texas education over 20 years. The name of the “M-Pact” fund reflects the trustees’ vision of a mutual promise and partnership between the Foundation and its grantees to support student success. With benefits extending beyond grant funding, the Education M-Pact Fund will cultivate a comprehensive network of grantees who are fueling student success in areas of deepest impact and greatest need.

Through an open Request for Proposals (RFP), The Moody Foundation will distribute grants annually to education institutions and nonprofits whose work aligns with the Foundation’s strategic priorities of Early Learning and Postsecondary Success. The fund will amplify the impact of these grants through strategic initiatives including:

  • Direct collaboration with relevant governing agencies to identify education funding gaps and strategically deploy resources.
  • Building intentional, collaborative networks among M-Pact grantees including a fully funded annual convening among representatives from each organization.
  • Shared, targeted outcomes across grantees within each strategic pillar to enable impact measurement for the initiative over multiple years, at scale.

The M-Pact Fund will be complemented by annual regional giving through the Foundation’s traditional grant application process, allowing for continued support of organizations whose work falls outside of the fund’s strategic pillars. This includes broader education giving, as well as grants that support the Foundation’s vision for benefiting the people of Texas. Together, these initiatives will encompass a comprehensive, strategic approach to the Foundation’s education grantmaking and support the success of Texas students from cradle to career.

Education M-Pact Fund Open RFP

The Moody Foundation's open RFP is carried out in 1-2 annual application cycles. Key dates, eligibility, and additional details on current and upcoming open RFP cycles can be found below.

Key Dates

Open RFP Cycle 3

January 6, 2025 | Application opens; office hours open
February 20, 2025 | Application deadline
May 15, 2025 | Trustee meeting
June 2025 | Notifications distributed
July 2025 | Funding initiated

Open RFP Cycle 4

The Foundation anticipates opening Cycle 4 during the summer of 2025 with grantee funding initiated in January 2026. Cycle 4 may include more narrow parameters and eligibility criteria than prior cycles. Please stay tuned to this webpage and follow the Foundation on social media for real-time updates.

Grant Coordinators

Courtney Rogers

Courtney Rogers

Vice President, Education
Angela Blair

Angela Blair

Director, Education
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or sign up for office hours (slots will be made available during each RFP cycle). We ask that you review the webpage text, FAQs, and webinar in full prior to our call.

Application Resources

Cycle 3 Application Form

Cycle 3: Blank Application Form

Past Awardees

Access FAQs for the M-Pact Fund open RFP:

Frequently Asked Questions

Webinar Materials:

Note: The Cycle 3 application process will mirror Cycle 2. Please see the Cycle 1 webinar for an overview of the Education M-Pact Fund. The Cycle 2 webinar includes details and Q&A related to the application form.


Organizations seeking to apply for a grant through The Moody Foundation’s Education M-Pact Fund must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a public entity (e.g., a municipality, health department, or university/school).
  • Funds may only be granted and used within the state of Texas. Out-of-state entities must be registered with and authorized to do business in Texas through the Texas Secretary of State.
  • Provide services directly related to The Moody Foundation’s strategic pillars of Early Learning and Postsecondary Success, as further detailed below.
  • Commitment to complete all grantee requirements including annual grant reporting and participation in M-Pact grantee network activities during the term of the grant.
  • Ability to measure and report grant-related progress on one or more key metrics within the fund’s designated strategic pillars.

Strategic Priorities

The Education M-Pact Fund will provide grants across two strategic pillars: Early Learning and Postsecondary Success. Priority will be given to grants that:

  • Serve low-income or at-risk populations;
  • Support research/evidence-based programs;
  • Are collaborative in nature;
  • Address one or more supporting focus areas, as further defined below.

Strategic Pillars

Early Learning: By age five, 90% of a child’s brain is already developed. High quality early childhood education during this critical period can have lifelong benefits, placing children on a trajectory for increased academic achievement, personal development, and social mobility. This phase also lays the foundation for early literacy, building toward the critical milestone of reading on grade-level by third grade. The Education M-Pact Fund will prioritize grants that support high quality early childhood education and early literacy.

  • Scope: Serving children from birth through grade 3.
  • Sample Metrics: Kindergarten readiness; 3rd grade reading levels; institutional accreditations and/or ratings; demonstrations of student, parent, and/or teacher proficiency.

Postsecondary Success: Research consistently demonstrates strong ties between higher levels of education and increased income, alongside a myriad of related benefits. The Education M-Pact Fund seeks to support activities that improve access, persistence, and completion within value-added credentialing programs, particularly for first-generation college students. Eligible initiatives include college and university degree programs, dual and advanced credit offerings, vocational training, career exploration and development during K-12 schooling, broader workforce development initiatives, and related activities.

  • Scope: K-12 career exploration and development; college access/success programs; higher education and workforce development initiatives
  • Sample Metrics: Program engagement and completion rates; credential attainment rates; value-add index ratings; demonstrations of student proficiency

Supporting Focus Areas

Educator Workforce: Attracting, preparing, supporting, and retaining high-quality educators. particularly those serving children within the scope of the M-Pact Fund’s Early Learning strategic pillar.

Mental Health: Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students and educators within the scope of the M-Pact Fund’s strategic pillars.

Special Education: Supporting timely identification and appropriate support of students with learning differences and/or disabilities within the scope of the M-Pact Fund’s strategic pillars. Additional priority for activities supporting students during key transitions (ex – school to workforce).

Wraparound Services: Amplifying student success across the M-Pact Fund’s strategic pillars through wraparound services including out-of-school-time programs, family health and wellness, food and housing security, and related activities.