Moody Foundation Brings World-Class Green Spaces to Austin
AUSTIN, Texas – May 29, 2019 – As an avid green spaces enthusiast and long-time Austinite, Ross Moody, trustee of the Moody Foundation and Chairman and CEO of Austin-based National Western Life Group, witnessed a pressing need in his beloved city for world-class green spaces.
“Austin has truly become a world-class city and one of the very best places to live in the United States,” said Moody. “The Moody Foundation, with the help from our community partners and the City of Austin, is committed to ensuring that Austin’s green spaces live up to this standard by incorporating world-class design and architecture.”
Most recently, Mayor Steve Adler officially proclaimed May 9th as Moody Foundation Day, following the Foundation’s $2+ million grant to rehabilitate and restore the iconic Barton Springs Bathhouse. This recognition also highlights a series of transformative grants the Foundation has made over the past few years to enhance Austin green spaces. These include Blanton Museum’s exterior spaces, Laguna Gloria’s Moody Pavilions, YMCA’s Camp Moody, Waller Creek’s amphitheater and Pease Park’s enhancement.

The New Moody Pavilions at Laguna Gloria
“Our Central Texas partners have bold visions for this wonderful community, and the Foundation steps in to provide the necessary resources to help them expand their mission and reach their full potential,” continued Moody. “The collaboration in the Austin green spaces community is like none other. There are no hidden agendas; everyone has one vision – to create beautiful, inspiring gathering places for all – and we’re working together to fulfill it.”
The Moody Foundation’s motivation for investing in green spaces is simple – to build a bigger, better future for Austin and the entire state. In 2019, the Foundation will grant approximately $100 million to organizations that benefit the people of Texas, with more than $20 million dedicated to green spaces. The Foundation’s long-term vision is to nurture a vibrant bond among art, nature and people, creating experiences within this world-class community where discovery is limitless.
“We’re respecting Austin’s past and what makes the city a special place to live and visit,” added Moody. “We’re refining where we’ve been to continue the vitality of these outdoor spaces and historic gems for current and future generations to enjoy.”
About the Moody Foundation
The Moody Foundation was established by W.L. Moody, Jr. and Libbie Shearn Moody in 1942 to share their good fortune and make a difference in the lives of the people of Texas. Since then, the Foundation has made more than $1.6 billion in grants throughout the state to organizations that have educated, healed, nurtured and inspired generations of Texans. The Moody Foundation continues with a board of three trustees: Frances Moody-Dahlberg, Ross Moody and Elizabeth Moody. Learn more at MoodyF.org and follow the Foundation on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates.
Kami Lee representing Moody Foundation
(512) 344-2032
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